Season 6 AU- you left me

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*one word: fulFILMent*

Clarke was in Bellamy's arms again.

She felt inevitable to him. Some part of Bellamy knew that he was destined to have Clarke in his life.

Clarke clung to the boy tighter, they had just found out that two of their best friends had died.

She wanted nothing more than to stay on Bellamy's arms forever.

She would be safe their, loved.

She couldn't imagine a better place for her.

After a moment of looking out toward their new planet, Clarke turned inward, pulling Bellamy even further into her arms.

Of course Bellamy hugged back.

He had thought Clarke was dead for 6 years... every moment they had together was a blessing.

He looked down, the short cropped blonde hair that filled his vision triggered so many memories.

Bellamy reached down and kissed Clarke's forehead, his mind wandering through the journey they had been on together.


That had been the first moment, the first time Bellamy had seen Clarke.

Sure he had admired her before that, she was beautiful and smart and funny, but it was only then that he realised that she was the one he wanted to be with.

'Please- I'll do whatever you want- I'll stop fighting just please don't kill him'

It was then that Bellamy thought that Clarke had felt the same way as he did. That she was willing to risk her life for his.

He too felt it, the need to sacrifice himself for her.

But it wasn't true. She didn't love him like he loved her.

He had stormed Polis without a second thought, leaving a beautiful, innocent girl who loved him behind to persuade the girl who had burned him time after time to come home.

He had almost given up hope then.

She loved Lexa then, and though it broke Bellamy's heart he knew that she was happy and ultimately safe with Lexa.

It had always been about Clarke's safety, from the moment Bellamy saved her life that first day.

He knew he needed to protect her, even if she wouldn't protect him.

Clarke felt Bellamy's soft lips on her forehead, a tear from his face splashed down her cheek.

She clung ever tighter to him.

She remembered now, the moment she knew that she loved him.

'We've been through a lot together you and I'

Clarke had thought then that she would die. She had chosen to tell Bellamy how she felt, but he hadn't let her.

'Nothing is happening to you'

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