6x01 AU- "There's nothing you won't do for her"

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*Echo notices Bellamy's swift defence of Clarke in everything she does*
*shout out to KninoFitz for this inspiration for this one*
*spoiler warning for 6x01*

Clarke looked across the fields of Eligus. It was beautiful here. Truly. It reminded Clarke of the books she'd read on the ark.

There were pictures in them too. Of sweeping landscapes. Farmlands stretching for miles.

The old her would have never hoped to see anything so beautiful.

As much as Earth was radiant, it was dangerous. But here she was 130 years and hundreds of planets away.

"What kind of people have a radiation fence?" Emori's voice distracted Clarke from the scenery.

"The kind of people that want to keep something out." Clarke replied, bitterly.

Since Shaw's death she'd felt unimaginably tired. Like nothing she did or said mattered.

She knew the clutches of depression, but she also knew she didn't have the time.

"Beacon should be right up ahead." She heard Bellamy's voice.

It was deeper then it had been before Primefaya.

The young man the went up into spaced, terrified of becoming a monster had descended renewed.

He was stronger, more confident, more willing to help himself.

Clarke felt a pain in her chest, as she thought about the days, and hours before Primefaya.

She should have said it.

She should have told him that she loved him.

Loved him despite how stubborn he was.

Despite the fact that they endangered the lives of everyone on the planet.

Despite the fact that she'd had a gun trained on him hours before.

She loved him, more deeply then she had ever loved anyone.

That watching him exit the atmosphere was so bittersweet.

Because she knew he was safe, but she thought she'd never get to hold him again.

She did though.

He had saved her life.

Bargained over 200 people's lives for hers.

"She must be pretty important to you."

"She is."

Clarke remembered those words every time she closed her eyes.

Every time she saw Bellamy's lips on Echo's.

She knew he would move on.

But seeing it.

It felt like she was being ripped apart one stitch at a time.

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