7x13 AU- Come back to me

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*4 episodes left how we feelin bellarkers 😭*
*Clarke takes Cadogan deep into Sanctum hoping it will buy her some time to reach Bellamy*

"I don't want to be on this moon a moment longer than I have to." Cadogan's voice rung in Clarke's ears.

She had seen Murphy, the trouble he was in, the trouble that Sanctum and Madi were presumably in, but she wasn't allowed to help them. Instead her, Bellamy and Raven were escorted out of the palace by gunpoint.

Russel didn't seem to object, he was stunned into silence, though she couldn't fathom what events had lead to Russel leading and dressed like that.

Clarke lead the group into the forest. She honestly had no idea where to take them. She just needed to buy some time, to get Bellamy back. Then he could, along with her and Raven make an escape, get back to Bardo and find their friends.

She knew it was a long shot, but if they didn't escape, if they found out she didn't know where the key was, they would kill her and Raven and her friends would die on some unknown planet. That almost wasn't the worst part. The worst part was knowing Bellamy would be lost to her forever.

His conscience could only bare so much more, if he were the cause of their deaths, after everything he had done to protect them, he would cease to exist.

"You won't be." Clarke reassured Cadogan, watching as Raven eyed her suspiciously, they hadn't had a moment alone to talk, let alone think of a plan.

"We're heading to the place where the Key was removed to see if Raven can restore it." She lied, looking at the other girl and begging her not to say anything.

Raven nodded, trying to keep her voice steady.

"I took it out, I can put it back." Clarke watched her friend lie for her. Despite everything they had been through Clarke finally felt as though she was forgiven.

"Good." Cadogan approved.

"We'll set off at first light." He nodded to his guards who began setting up tents.

"Bellamy!" Bill summoned the boy who fell into step beside him.

Clarke had seen this Bellamy before, the Bellamy that was desperate for a father figure, the Bellamy that followed Pike into a genocide.

"Make sure the girl's don't try and escape during the night, and make sure they're not gunna try anything." He whispered to the boy who nodded curtly.

Clarke heart broke as Bellamy moved toward her, hand on his weapon.

"Move." He instructed, forcing the girl's to sit against either side of a tree before tying them at the waist.

Clarke could hardly believe what was happening. Being imprisoned by the man she- her best friend, it felt like a dagger being plunged into her back.

"Bellamy." Clarke voice was gentle as she tried to catch the boy's eye.

She couldn't see Raven anymore but she assumed he'd bound her wrists as well. If she wanted to get out she had to stop him from doing the same to her.

"Bellamy, please don't." She whimpered as he took her hands, so gently Clarke felt as though she may break.

"I hurt my wrist." She lied quickly.

"On Nakara, trying to get back to you."

Bellamy's eyes met hers for a moment, she could see the tears in them.

"I'm not gunna run." She told him.

"I wouldn't leave you."

Bellamy shut his eyes, Clarke could see him fighting with himself.

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