Vince Neil #1 | "Is that beach wear?"

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It was a hot day at the hotel the boys were staying at, so they all went down to the pool. For some reason, no one used the pool, it was a beautiful pool, beach chairs laid out and tables to put your drinks on, with umbrella's over the top to shade you from the sun.

Mick walked behind the three shirtless men who screamed as they ran down the hall, he rolled his eyes and walked along like he would as the mature one out of the four.

As they got there, they noted they weren't the only ones who wanted a swim, surprisingly, people actually were here.

A few young hot chicks with bikini's that they may as well of not been wearing seen as they were so exposed, and a few men along with the older ones who stayed at the shallow side of the pool.
"Well boys, our plans been foiled," Vince chuckled over his shoulder, "Yeah yeah, can still swim though," Tommy said and cannon balled in, "Hey! No fair!" Nikki yelled as he ran in after him.

The three of them were splashing while Mick sat on the steps, enjoying the cold water surrounding his waist.
"Pussy," Tommy said splashing him.

Mick got in fully and splashed title waves at him making them laugh while he got his revenge. "Okay okay! I surrender!" He pleaded, "What I thought," Mick smirked.

Vince however, had his eyes occupied on the chick sitting on the beach chair, looking bored, but she wasn't in a bikini, she was wearing leather jeans, a Jimi Hendrix shirt and a leather jacket, how she wasn't boiling alive, we will never know...

He lifted himself out of the pool and walked over, the water splashing off of him and onto the floor.
"Excuse me, but... Is that beach wear?" He asked, she looked up and grinned at the blonde, "I don't know... You tell me, are we at a beach?" She said cheekily, "Ha ha," He said making her smirk.

"You know what I mean," He said, brushing away her cheeky remark.
"Not quite, but I just came out here for fresh air, my ac broke," She told the blonde, "Uh huh... Then why are you in so much clothes?" He asked with a quirked brow.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you just want me to undress," She hummed, "I mean... That'd be nice," He winked making her laugh, he chuckled softly and she stood up from the beach chair, "I tell ya what... In five minutes I'll join you, deal?" She asked, "Deal," He agreed, and so she walked off to her room.

She looked through her clothes before settling with a black bikini, eh, it'll do, right?

She turned around to do a double take in the mirror, just making sure nothing was on display, if you know what I mean...

Her hair framed her face perfectly, as it rested neatly against her waist.
Her long hair was frowned upon by her parents, but who were they to say shit?

As a bonus, this outfit was much cooler then the one she was in, she walked downstairs with a black towel around her shoulders, her footsteps dead silent in the almost-empty hotel.

She caught sight of the blonde who whistled, "Yeah yeah," She said sitting on the edge, "Oh boring!" He called and they booed at her, even Mick. "Shut your mouth blondie," She smirked and slid in, "Ooh, or else what?" he smirked, making way over, she smirked and waved him to bend a bit so she could whisper in his ear.

"This," She said and shoved him back into the water, laughing and running away as fast as she could in the water as he swam after her.
He dragged her under and the two tackled under water, hearing muffled laughter from above the water.

They soon ran out of oxygen so they floated up and took in a deep gasp of air.
"You're a bitch," She told him, "Yeah yeah, what's your name dollface?" He asked, "Y/N," She smirked, "Y/N... I like that," He hummed, "Yeah yeah, sure thing blondie," She said, "Oh shut up," He scoffed.

"Your hair is really long," Tommy said as he grabbed onto the dark long hair and played with it, "You having fun there?" She asked, "Yup," He said, she rolled her eyes and the four of them stood around her.

"Get on my back T-Bone!" Nikki yelled, and so Tommy hopped onto the bassists back, "You're going down shortie!" Tommy smirked, looking down at the girl, before she had the chance to respond, she was lifted into the air making her squeal in shock, she looked down to see Vince holding onto her knees, "Jesus man you gave me a heart attack!" She huffed, "Yeah yeah, you're going down T-BONE!" He cheered.

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