Mick Mars #16 | Kiss me.

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Your crush on the famous bands guitarist is growing more and more.... Obvious.

Yes, it took the boys three years to notice it, but now the three tease you all the time, while Mick is oblivious.

"Gonna suck faces with the old man?" Nikki asked, "Oh shut up Sixx," I giggled as Vince chucked the deodorant at me, I put it on and chucked it to Tommy.

They treat me as if I'm one of the boys, Tommy always calls me little sis because I'm slightly younger then him, no were not related.

"Hey lil sis, I heard Mick was looking for you," He said, I sighed and put my boots on. "Yeah yeah," I said and walked out.

I made my way through the old apartment, speaking of the devil! I found him outside smokin.
"These will kill ya," I said taking it and taking a puff, coughing slightly, he smirked and stomped on it.

"Yeah I know, hoping something will," he said, "I'll kill ya, you don't need to damage your lungs," I smiled, he chuckled and brushed his hair out of his face.

"Let me guess, Tommy sent you here?" He asked, "Bingo!" I smiled.
"Yeah thought he would've," he said as he played with his lighter, "It's okay, I don't need you out here, he's just an idiot," he smirked, I snickered, "Don't I know that," I smiled.

"Well I want to stay with you," I hummed, he looked at me from under his sunglasses and hummed softly.

"You know," he said putting them on his head, "You've got beautiful eyes," he said, "Oh, thank you," I murmured, he nodded and we stayed in awkward silence.

"Y/N?" He asked, I hummed, "I..." He paused and stared into my eyes.
"I know you like me," he said, I felt my face heat up as my heart went faster.

"Hmm?" I frowned, "Don't play dumb," he smirked and gently caught my bottom lip with his thumb, "You always stare at me, then you turn away and I see tears in your eyes, I always curse myself, because I love you too..." He said shyly.

I blushed and we looked into each other's eyes for what felt like forever.
He cleared his throat, "I should go..." He blushed.

I stopped him, "Kiss me..." I said, "What?" He blushed, "You heard me... Kiss me," I almost begged.

He brought a hand to my cheek and slowly leaned in, our noses touching, "I thought you'd never ask..." He murmured and kissed me softly.

I gently wrapped my arms around him and he parted from me, wincing from his bad back.
"Come," I said grabbing his hand, I lead him back to the boys and we sat down.

"Gonna make out for us?" Vince wiggled his brows, "Not in the slightest, you don't deserve to see how sexy she is," Mick said, I blushed making them all laugh.

I stood behind him and gently massaged his back and neck. "I love you," I whispered in his ear, "I love you too," he mumbled.

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