Tommy Lee #48 | New kids on the block.

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"Dudes, I'm so boooooored!" Tommy groaned, hanging upside down from the couch, "Ugh, me too man," Nikki sighed, sitting beside him yet on the floor, he finished his can of coke and crushed it under his foot.

"Hey, how about we go to The Starwood, for old times sake?" Vince shrugged, "Eh, sure why not?" Nikki shrugged, Tommy agreed and dropped to his feet, "Mick?" Tommy asked, "Yeah whatever," Mick said and took a puff from his cigarette.

They made it down to the Starwood, music was blasting, "What the fuck is that? Some new band?" Nikki asked curiously, looking at the poster on the wall.

"They look like kids man," Tommy said, "They probably are, alright, let's go check em out!" Nikki smiled, "Kids," Vince raised a brow, "Yeah, children, you know? Those weird things that complain a lot?" Tommy asked making Mick snicker, "You have no idea how right you are," Mick said and walked into the Starwood.

They shrugged and followed him in, on stage was a band and they were killing it, young girls were crushing over the singer, even a few older women which was a little... Strange...

The guitarist was a chick, "Is that a chick?!" Tommy asked, "Chick? Which one?" Vince asked making him snicker, "Shut up dude, we can't talk, look at us man!" Tommy smiled making him laugh.

They made one hell of a racket, playing music and rocking out together, they were loud, sleazy, glamorous and knew how to get the audience cheering.

"Fuck, man I think they're gonna make it!" Nikki said, "Right?! Definitely!" Tommy agreed and cheered, clapping for the band who were rocking their stuff.

"Nice fashion," Mick chuckled, watching how the girl had fluffed up blonde hair and wore big platform boots with leather.

"I know, hey... They kinda look like us starting out man!" Tommy said, "Hey! Hey Doc!" The boys called Doc McGhee over as they saw him, Doc walked over and sat down with them, "So...?" Doc asked, "Man we want you to tell us all about those kids up there," Nikki said, pointing up at the band, "Well, the singer is Eric, Bassist is Jason, Drummer is Ace and the guitarist is Y/N," Doc said, "Lame names... They need stage names," Tommy said, "Like Tommy is a cool name," Nikki teased, "Least mine doesn't sound feminine," Tommy said and laughed as Nikki smacked his head into the table.

"How old are they? They look like kids," Vince said, "That's because they are, they're sixteen," Doc said.

"16 and he's got pipes like that?!" Nikki asked in shock.

Suddenly the singer belted his heart out as he sung making the audience cheer loudly.

"I wanna hear the chick do a solo," Mick said, "I've listened to their stuff before there's a solo very soon," Doc smiled, just then the solo started, very minor pentatonic and lots of scales, she pulled on her whammy bar and the audience cheered loudly as she paused, the drummer was playing still and the rest of the band was quiet as she threw a pick over and into the audience, she suddenly made her guitar scream as she played a few more solos before playing the intro to a song, the singer and her were giggling, he had his hand over the mic so it wouldn't pick up on him laughing.

He began singing anyways and he raised his arm up for the audience to chant.
"... I like these guys, Doc you should sign them," Nikki said, "I can't just sign people," Doc said, "Be their manager! Come on Doc, they need someone," Nikki begged, Tommy and Vince begged too.

"I don't know boys, Mick what do you think?" Doc asked, Mick took his cigarette out in an ashtray and shrugged, "They're pretty good, they deserve it, far better than Kiss," Mick scowled.

"Ugh... Fine, when they're off stage, you guys and I are going over to them," Doc said, "Fine by me dude!" Tommy smirked.

As the band went off stage, the five of them travelled over to them, "Hey! Excuse me!" Doc called, the kids turned around and spotted Mötley Crüe and their manager, "Hey I was wondering... You ever need a manager, I'm here alright?" Doc asked, the kids blinked and looked very confused and shocked, "Yeah, come on kids you need this manager, you guys are awesome, you could sell your stuff world wide and travel around the world!" Nikki said, trying to convince them.

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