Tommy Lee #6 | Match.

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As I walked around the street, I was in desperate need of cookie batter... Like seriously, midnight cravings... Shut the fuck up-

Anyways, I made way into the supermarket and grabbed the mix.
When I turned I bumped into someone, "I'm so sorry," I stuttered, extremely shy and.. Fuck-

"No I'm sorry, wait..." I looked up and the man scanned my outfit.
"Did you copy me?" He chuckled, holding the sides of his leather jacket as he looked at my outfit.

Both of us were wearing the same Jimi Hendrix shirt, leather jacket and black slacks.

"That is really epic," I giggled to myself, "Hell to the yeah it is!" He said and ruffled my hair up.

"So... Wanna get my number?" He joked and wiggled his brows, "Depends, do you wanna get my number?" I smirked and wiggled my brows making him chuckle.

"I do... If you wanna give it to me," he winked and gave a thin lined smile making me blush and giggle, "Sure... If you got a pen," I hummed.

He grabbed my hand and led me to the register, he grabbed a pen as the cashier was asleep and I wrote it down on his hand.

"Thanks, doll," he said and without looking away from me, he punched the plastic shield, the cashier jumped, "I'll call you," he winked and walked out.

I handed the barely awake teenager the mix and he scanned it, I handed my money over and thanked the boy, walking out and going home.

And... It's raining... Fucking nice. A 15 minute walk for this shit? I sighed and grumbled under my breath as I shielded my head from the rain.
My box is getting soaked! Fuckkkk!

"Hey, hot stuff?!" I turned and saw a Black Moon Rising car shuffling beside me, seeing the same fluffy haired male from earlier.

"Guess we're destiny," he called over the rain making me laugh. "Now get your ass in the car," he said patting the door, I ran in without hesitation, fuck it he's hot-

I mean...

Anyways, so I shivered as he drove off.
"Fuck it's cold," I said, "Probably because your soaked-" he said, I smirked, "Oh yeah?" I winked, "Shut your mouth," he smirked back making me giggle.

He sighed, "So where does little miss rain drop live?" He asked, "I'll tell you when to stop," I said, "You will? What's your safe word?" He teased making me laugh, "Stop it," I smiled and gently slapped his thighs, he smiled at me, "Stop please," I said, "Ooh, no safe word? I like it," he bit his lip as he stopped in front of my house.

I giggled and kissed his cheek, "Thank you," I said, "I'm Tommy by the way! And you?!" He called over the rain as I got out.

"Y/N!" I smiled, "Okay, I'll call you soon darl," he smirked, winking as he drove off.


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