Mick Mars #7 | The second alien.

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Mick walked around the parking lot with the boys who were out here smoking.
His grey eyes flicked around the parking lot as he heard footsteps, then he heard an acoustic guitar in the distance.

So he wandered around like a lost puppy, curious as to who was playing guitar.
Then he saw her...

Beautiful long blonde hair, green eyes and wearing a black long dress, it wasn't tight as it was a lacey dress.

He tilted his head as he watched her play a sweet melodic track, it was clean and some what romantic

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He tilted his head as he watched her play a sweet melodic track, it was clean and some what romantic.

She looked up, he walked over and put his sunglasses on his head, "Hello," he said, "Hi..." She mumbled.

"I heard you playing and thought it sounded... Pretty?" He said cringing at the word 'pretty' she giggled and he sat beside her.

"You look very beautiful... What's with the fancy dress?" He smiled, "My brother and I had a photoshoot," she said, "Oh really? So you model as a career?" He asked, she nodded.

"I'm a guitarist," he told her, "Makes sense then," she giggled, gesturing to her guitar.

"Yo Mick! We're going to the park, you comin?" Tommy asked, he nodded, "You comin?" He asked, "Ugh.. Sure?" She shrugged and grabbed her guitar and followed them down.

"Wow you're hot," Vince said making her giggle, "Thank you, you're not too bad yourself," she smiled and they sat down.
"What's with the dress?" Nikki asked, "I'm a model, I did a photoshoot with my big brother," she told them.

"Ohhh," Tommy hummed, "I'm Y/N by the way," she said, they introduced themselves and she giggled as Tommy leaned forward and planted his head on the ground, they laughed as he tried getting up as he was on his knees with his head on the floor and his arms stuck.

She crawled over and helped him up, he laughed as soil fell from his head onto his face, she cackled and sat by Mick who was laughing so hard his face was going red.

"We should go to one of your photoshoots," Vince wiggled his brows making her giggle, "I have one tomorrow," she smiled.

And so tomorrow, they met up with her and walked down the road to the studio.
She went into the dressing room while the boys were talking with the crue.

She came out wearing...

She giggled and walked over to the boys who gaped at her

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She giggled and walked over to the boys who gaped at her.
"Wow... You, are beautiful!" Tommy said in shock, "Thank you, I feel like I'm getting married," she chuckled and put the veil on, "There, a more convincing bride?" She smiled, "Gothic bride!" Vince said.

"Fuck yeah! Black over white any day!" She smiled making them chuckle as she walked to the photography room.

"Hey... You boys should wear suits and it'll be like a funeral!" She gasped, "Uh..." They said, "Please?" She begged, doing puppy eyes, "Fine," Mick sighed making her cheer.

So they wore black suits, standing by her side, Vince had an arm on her shoulder and Mick had his hand in hers as the photographer said.

As they wanted just one of her and Mick, Mick turned to her, she took the veil off slowly and it flew in the wind as they took a picture of her looking up at him.

She giggled and put her head in his chest making him chuckle in confusion.
"The fact I made four basically strangers dress up," she snorted making them laugh at the sounded.

She kept piggy snorting and giggling making Mick chuckle, "Stay still woman," he said and held her waist.

She giggled and looked up at him.

Now they has to kiss.

"Oh fuck it," she said and pulled him down and kissed him.

The boys all rooted him on while you two had your break and sat down.
"Imagine if this was my actual wedding dress?" She asked as she got comfy in it.

"I like it," Vince shrugged.

"My brother would kill him, unless he was like... Rock n roll type of guy," she shrugged, "Oh, Mick you're in luck," Tommy winked making him roll his eyes.

Little did the two know... But that was the start of their relationship.

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