Tommy Lee #41 | Beach Lovers.

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Slight lemon? Or smut, idk...I'm sorry I'm not good at writing this kind of thing so I hope the requester is happy. :)

Tommy sat in silence, well, almost silence, he wore a nice tuxedo, his hair ruffled slightly and his hand ghosting over the slight bulge in his pocket (don't even bitch), the box was inside, he felt nervous as he listened to the waves on the beach roar away softly.

He held his hand up to his face and sighed, waiting for his girlfriend, his lover, to get to him.

They didn't even live together, was it too soon? Surely not... They'd been high school lovers and it's '89 now.

"Baby?" He whipped his head around, seeing his gorgeous girlfriend in front of him, red silky soft dress, baggy and loose around her cleavage where as her soft hair was swung around her face, she blinked softly a few times, walking over to him.

"What's up babe?" She asked, she gasped as he grabbed her face, holding it gently in his hands as he looked at her, he kissed her softly a few times and sighed.

"Babe... I just gotta tell you something," he said, "Then tell me silly," she chuckled softly, though she was concerned about the topic of this chat, what would it be about, was he mad at her?

Thoughts wizzed through her mind and Tommy seemed to notice.
"Nothing bad... Come sit with me," he smiled, sitting down on a towel, where she walked to and sat beside him, blushing as he popped a bottle of wine and ran his hand up and down her thigh, teasingly sliding close to her womanhood and gliding down to her shin, he gently took off her heels and placed them beside him, smiling as she looked into his eyes.

Without breaking eye contact, he put the glass to her lips, staring at her as she slowly drank the champagne from his hand.

As the wine was down her esophagus, he barely gave her time to swallow the wine as he pulled her into a kiss, tasting the wine on her lips and ghosting his hand over her waist.

"Tommy? What's all this," she chuckled softly, he smiled and played with her hair, "Something special for my special someone," he smiled and ran his hands up her thighs, going under the dress and as soon as the tips of his fingers touched her lace underwear, his fingers would retreat and go back to her knees.

"Oh please, baby you've got something up your sleeve," she smiled, he chuckled softly, giving a sheepish grin as he looked at her soft lips, "Maybe... Only if you're good tonight," he winked, "Tommy you tease!" She gasped and gently slapped his chest, he chuckled softly, laying back and dragging her down with him.

"I wanna tell you something baby... But not like this..." He said softly, "Mm, how do you want me?" She asked, "Oh I want you in many ways, preferably under the sheets or over a counter," he smirked, she gasped, her face flaming red hot as she gently slapped his chest, he chuckled and kissed her cheek, grabbing hold of her behind and sitting up, lifting her up with him as he twirled her around making her laugh.

"I love you Tommy," she smiled softly, "I love you too baby," he hummed softly, pressing his lips against hers and smiling as she cuddled into his neck.

He gently let her down, grabbing her and beginning to twirl her making her squeal, giggling as he danced round and round with her.

As the moments softened, the laughter dying down to just soft chuckles and hums before completely quiet, just Tommy humming softly as he held her lower back.

He slowly let go of her, she frowned curiously, though there was a snap in the distance, most likely an animal.
She turned around, gasping as she saw a squirrel, "Baby! A squirrel!" She gasped, oblivious as her boyfriend fumbles with the box before getting down on one knee and holding it open.

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