Tommy Lee #12 | Story time.

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Your boyfriend Tommy sat beside you as you guys were with the band.
He held your thigh as they mumbled on about stuff. You weren't really paying attention as you looked across the room.

"Babe," Tommy said patting your thigh, you turned and hummed, "Wanna hear a funny story? These guys don't believe me," he said, you nodded.

"Okay, so one time I was driving, I really needed to piss, you know when your legs are clamped because you really gotta pee?" He asked, you nodded, "So finally, I pulled over and without even switching gear, I jumped out, and my car was still in drive, my own car ran me over!" He said making you laugh.

"That's why it's called Christine now, isn't that funny?" He smiled making you giggle and nod. "They don't believe me though," he said, "I do, it's something stupid only you could manage," you smirked, "Rude!" He huffed making you giggle.

The guys laughed along and you put Tommy's hair into two pony tails, "So handsome," You giggled, "I know, I'm so sexy," he said nodding with his eyes closed making you laugh.

The guys all headed out the back to smoke, you sat beside Tommy who rubbed your thigh lightly. "I love you," he said, "I love you too," you said and kissed his cheek.

You giggled as he pouted, you kissed him softly making him smile. You ended up getting kicked out for 'disturbing people for kissing', "How fucking ridiculous!" He yelled and kicked a can on the sidewalk.

"It's fine babe, I was getting bored anyways," you said and held his hand as you snuck around the back to check on the other guys.

"Hey, we're going, we got kicked out for being 'too lovey dovey and us kissing was disturbing'!" Tommy huffed, "What the fuck?" Nikki laughed.

"Exactly?!" Tommy said outraged, "It doesn't matter, we can just go anyways," you shrugged.

As he was grumbling so much, you had to drive you two home, he huffed and rubbed your thigh making you blush.

You two got home and he stomped in like a two year old.
In the bedroom, you laid down with the lights on and you smiled as he kissed you.

"I'll show them too loving!" He said as he got on top of you, you gasped at the sudden change. "Hmph!" He said and kissed you.

Oh boy....

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