Mick Mars #35 | Treat you better...

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The Thing, that was what the band referred to Mick's wife.
Well, they're looking to get a divorce.
Finally Mick will be free from being beaten the shit out of.

Mick has been taught to never lay hand on a woman, so he never hit her back, although he knows Tommy and Nikki have...

He also knows not to cheat, he knows all of them have...
If you cheat, it gives you the anxiety that they're gonna cheat, and you lose trust in each other, and it's a steep hill to climb...

The letter was finally done, they were divorced, Mick was going to be homeless, but anything better then that bitch.

He grabbed his guitar case, his amp, his lead and a back pack.

He made his way out, his waist long hair flying in the wind as he walked around.
It was wild and cold that night, cars driving around, wind howling...

However, the bench he wanted to lay on, was occupied by a girl.
He walked over, she was beautiful, she had long hair and green eyes.

"Hello..." She mumbled, "Hi..." He said.

"We're you kicked out or something?" She asked looking at his gear, "Yeah," he grumbled.

"You can stay at my place, I live alone anyways," she shrugged, "W- why are you letting me, a total stranger, live in your house?" Mick asked confused.

She smiled sadly, "Because I know you Robert," she said, he was taken aback, how did she know his real name?

"Huh?" He frowned.

"It's me... Y/N," she smiled, he ticked back a few years, back to high school when he had that fat crush on the shy girl, he was shy as well, they were best friends and he longed to kiss her, but he had braces, and knew it'd be awkward then...

"Y/N...as in... Music club leader?" Mick asked, she giggled and nodded, "God it's been years!" Mick said and put his stuff down, hugging her, ignoring the searing pain in his back.

"What's been happening?" She asked.

"Been in some bands, at the moment I'm in one where we're determined to get famous..." He said, "What's it called?" She asked, "Motley Crue," he shrugged.

"Hm... Actually, I know you guys, I have 'Too fast for love'," she smiled, he was shocked, but also, at the same time, kinda not surprised.

"I... Wow," he said.

"Well come on, let's go home," she smiled, he grabbed his stuff and she carried the backpack and amp for him.

"Hey Y/N..." He mumbled, "Mhm?" She asked as she unlocked the door and let him in, "I... I had the fattest crush on you when we were in school, can you believe I married a bitch who beat me up?" He chuckled, sadness in his voice.

She put the stuff down and hugged him, "Robby, I loved you too, I still do," she hummed, his heart nearly flung out of his chest, he looked at her in shock.
Before pulling her in for a kiss, it was sweet and long lasting, unlike any kiss he had with The Thing.

As they pulled away, they giggled, foreheads resting together.
"We're so dumb," Mick smirked, "I know we are... When are you gonna let me meet your  band by the way?" She smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Eeee... Well, they're horny..." He said making her snort, she burst out laughing and they giggled together.

"Baby, that's the best thing I've ever heard," she laughed and held her ribs as she was laughing so hard.

He chuckled and they held hands as they went to her room.
"Nice room," he said, "Yeah, now that I know you're the handsome bastard in Motley Crue, I should plaster MC posters all around," she smiled, "Oh yeah?" He smirked, "Mhm," she giggled.

"I think that kinda commitment deserves a tickle," he smirked, "Noo!" She squealed as he began tickling her, they giggled together and he fell straight on top of her.

"Ow, damn back," he said, "You right?" She asked, "Mm," he nodded though he was wincing.

She rubbed his back and he put his head on her arm, "I got a curse... Stupid ankylosing spondylitis," he murmured, "What's that?" She asked.

"Inflammation of the vertebrae, it's a rare arthritis I've had since I was 17," he grunted.

"Why didn't you tell me when we were in school?" She pouted, "I didn't want you to see me as a freak," he murmured.

"You're too cool for that," she smiled.

"I go by Mick Mars now," Mick said, "Micky," she giggled, he rolled his eyes.
"You know you love me," she smirked, "I'm regretting falling in love with you," he sighed making her gasp, she slapped his chest making him laugh.

"Bitch," she pouted.

"I don't love you anymore," she huffed, they giggled together and he kissed her softly.

"You deserve better Micky boo," she said, "I know, I should go find better," he joked making her gasp, she pouted, "I'm sorry," he chuckled and kissed her cheek.

"Rude!" She said and slapped his butt, giggling as he gasped, "Aye!" He yelled and got her back, they just laughed as they squeezed one another to death.

"I love you so much," he chuckled, "I love you too rock star," she smiled.

"I love youuu," they said together and smiled.

"I want food, wanna eat out?" She asked, "No thanks, god knows where it's been," Mick joked making her laugh.

"Dirty bastard," she laughed and got up, grabbing the phone on her nightstand and ordering food.

He cuddled into her thigh, she played with his hair as he traced some scars on his legs.
As she put the phone down, he looked up at her, "Babe, what happened?" He asked rubbing the scars.

"Just some family issues so I lashed out on myself, but I'll be okay now that you're here," she smiled and nuzzled their noses together.

He smiled softly and kissed her cheek.
"I love you," he said and played with her hair, "I love you too," she said and poked his nose, he rolled his eyes making her giggle.

As they got their food, Mick had to tackle her out the way so he could pay and they ran upstairs to eat the pizza.

"Mick!" She laughed as he sat spread legged with the pizza between his legs, cackling as he held a slice.

"You are one weird man," she smiled and kissed him softly.

"Did you just...?" She asked as he giggled, she had pizza in her mouth...

"Mick!" She laughed, what a strange couple...

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