Tommy Lee #15 | Greek!

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You were beside your brother, nervously biting your lip as he introduced you to his friends.
You weren't the best with English, you were scared they'd ask a silly question.

Tommy had a sparkle in his eyes, his elbows resting on the table and his cheeks in his hands as he looked at you in awe.

"Where ya from pretty?" He smiled, that you could sort of understand. "G-Greece..." You muttered, he beamed and gasped loudly.

"Me too!" He squealed and grabbed your hands. You smiled a bit and your brother was having beer with the others.

"Πάμε, μπορώ να σου μάθω αγγλικά," he smiled (Let's go, I can teach you English).

You slowly nodded and he took you up and outside of the building.
As you two sat down together, lots of giggles were had.
Each time you failed at pronouncing a word, you would giggle making him laugh along.

"You got this!" He cheered making you smile brightly.
He scooted closer and brought you onto his lap, "Έχεις όμορφα μάτια..." He breathed, (You've got beautiful eyes), you blushed and giggled slightly, "Thank you... You do too," you said and blushed as he held your waist in his hands.

He gently pecked your cheek making you blush more, you giggled slightly and he snuggled into your shoulder.

"You got this baby doll," he mumbled, you rested your head in his neck and played with his brunette hair.

"T-thank y... You Tommy," you muttered, "Mhm," he smiled and kissed your neck sweetly making you giggle.

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