Tommy Lee #4 | Fluff ball.

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Your type... Is literally goofballs, but who cares? Plus, your boyfriend is a fluff ball, fluffy dark hair and a smile that makes you blush and giggle with him.

Your day could be absolute garbage and seeing him smile would make it all better.
And that's exactly how your day was going.

You just felt like shit. No idea why, your emotions just hit you like a ton of bricks.
"Baaaaaaabe!" Your boyfriend whined childishly, "Yeah?" You called, "Where are you?" He asked, "Bedroom!" You said and chuckled to yourself as you heard his footsteps.

He opened the door, "Babe!" He huffed, "What?" You asked, "Baby Cakes... Is my baby sad?" He pouted and closed the door, walking over and crawling on the bed over to you.

"Little bit..." You said, "Why?" He asked and straddled you, you giggled a little and put your head on his chest.
"I don't know... I just am... You know?" You shrugged.

He hummed and grabbed your face in both hands, smooshing your cheeks together. "Smile!" He pouted, mocking a weird bright smile making you giggle.

"Yeah! My baby!" He smiled and wiggled off of you, "Lap dance..." You snickered, he smirked and moved close, rocking his hips jokingly making you laugh.

"I love you, you're such a dork," you smiled brightly, "I love you too," he smiled and laid beside you.

"Wanna play a game?" You asked, "Mhm, like what?" He asked wrapping an arm around me.
"How about, we stare at each other but we can't smile," you said, "Okay, if you lose, you have to sit on my lap while I play drums for the entirety of the show tomorrow, if I lose, I'll buy you a pizza," he said, "Deal," you hummed.

And so the staring contest began, you were aloud to blink but no smiling as aloud.
"God I wanna kiss you so bad..." He whispered, you broke away giggling making him cheer.

"God damn it," you pouted, "Can you even play drums with me on your lap?" You asked, "Yeah, baby I'm an expert," he smirked.

"Yeah yeah... Can we still have pizza though?" You asked, "That wasn't the deal," he grinned, "Baaabyyyy," you whined, he chuckled and kissed your neck, "Fine," he said making you cheer.

He got up and made way to the phone, ordering pizza while you snuck up on him, squeezing his butt cheek while he chuckled slightly while talking to the pizza place.

You kept touching his butt while he shook his head and rolled his eyes.
As he hung up he turned you around and swatted your butt, seen as he's good at whacking things, it hurt, a lot.

You whined and cuddled into his side, "Bubby," you pouted, "Aww, okay I'm sorry..." He said rubbing your side, "That hurt, you hurt my butt," you said.

He chuckled and lifted your skirt up, kneeling down and kissing your cheek making you squeal.
"There you go, all better, see?" He smirked, "You nasty boy!" You said and did a fake gasp making him chuckle.

The two of you giggled as you had your dinner together.
"God damn it man, we gotta wake up so early," you grumbled, "I know," he said and rubbed your thigh, "I'm gonna look so dumb on your lap, your legs need to move to do the kick and I'm gonna be bouncing around like an idiot," you mumbled, "Should know what you're signing up for when you choose to date the amazing drummer, known as Tommy Lee," he winked making you giggle.

"The most handsome drummer ever," you smiled, "Ooh, tell me more," he smirked making you giggle softly.
"My boyfriend is hot, he's a dork, he's got fluffy hair, badass tattoos, he wears leather, he smokes a lot, he drinks a lot, he doesn't give a fuck, he's loud, rude, obnoxious, and has a heart the size of the world and more," you smiled, "Aww," he smiled and kissed all over your face.

"My girlfriend is sexy, has beautiful eyes, gorgeous soft hair, high pain tolerance which is so sexy... Badass guitarist and a sex goddess," he smirked, you blushed and slapped his arm making him chuckle.

The next morning, it was 5 am, you were woken to him kissing your cheek gently.
"Come on baby, we gotta go," he whispered, you whimpered, "I know, I don't like it either, but we have to..." He hummed.

You got up and held his hand as he took you to the car, of course, you'd be changing there, and what you're wearing is suitable anyways, a black shirt and shorts.

As you got there, he took you to the changing room and covered for you so no one could see his girl changing.
"Babe?" You asked, "Hmm?" He asked turning around, "Well hello," he smirked as he saw you shirtless, you giggled, "Do you have a shirt?" You asked, "Yeah I have a shirt," he said taking his off and putting it on you, "Who needs one?" He smirked making you giggle.

Two hours passed and they headed on stage, Tommy rushing to the drums and patting his lap, you blushed and went on stage, people cheering as you sat on your boyfriends lap, "This is humiliating," you whispered in his ear, he chuckled and kissed your cheek.

Throughout the show, you stared off at the audience and watched your boyfriends arms whack at the Tom's, snares, cymbals and kicks.

He sang along to Wild Side while you looked at the audience, everyone screaming and cheering.

"Ooh, Tommy gettin down with his girl at the drums," Vince teased making you blush, Tommy chuckled into his drum mic, "Yeah yeah, you're just jealous your girl isn't sitting on your lap as you sing," he smirked, "How boring would that be? I wouldn't be walking around at all, boring stage aroma," Vince retorted, you flipped him off, he stuck his tongue out at you making you giggle.

As the show went on, you grew more and more tired, yawning and turning to cling to his torso while he did his thing, you made sure you weren't in the way and made sure your hair didn't tickle him.

"I love you," you mumbled into his arms, he probably couldn't hear it at all.
Of course, as the show was over the four of them has to stand at the front and bow.
So Tommy grabbed you, picked you up and put you on the side stage and ran to bow with the boys.

Then they threw their arms in the air and then ran over.
"Thank god it's over!" Vince groaned making you giggle.

"Pussy," you said, "You try doing that shit!" Nikki panted, "Used to," you said.

"You did?! When?!" Tommy asked, shocked that you didn't tell him.
"I was in high school still, I used to be in a band and basically every night we'd go downtown and throw down, I was the guitarist and our vocalist was some guy named 'Mike' we didn't know him very well... But he was kinda a dick, that's why we split," you shrugged.

"No way..." Vince said in awe, "Yeah, so suck it," you smiled making them chuckle.

"Babe! You never told me this!" Tommy huffed, "That's because it doesn't matter," you said as you poked his cheek, "Hmph!" He huffed.

And so as you two went home for the night, he cuddled with you while you looked into his eyes.
"I bet, if you smile I get to fuck you," Tommy smirked.

Oh boy...

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