Tommy Lee #22 | Shy beauty.

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Readers name is Sophie.

Tonight was the night...
My brother and I had backstage passes.
Well, that's a given.
My brother always gets backstage passes, to every band, every show, every state...

It's because he's a music manager.
And lucky me, he takes me everywhere.

I'm all he's got, our mother died when we were little and our father was abusive, especially to me for being a girl, but my brother would always jump in and get in a fight with him.

I pursed my lips anxiously as I gently scratched at his palm. "I don't want to..." I mumbled.

Motley Crue, this is my favourite band of all time. I may or may not have a crush on the drummer.

"Sis," he paused and grabs my shoulders, "It's gonna be okay, they're great guys, sure, super horny, wasted and high a lot of the time, but they're good guys, I promise," he said softly.

I bit my lip nervously and frowned as I went back to holding his hand as we walked through the venue.
I put my hoodie on as we reached a door, it covered most of my face, so you could only see the tip of my nose and down.

"Ready?" He asked, I nodded, he opened the door and held my hand as he walked inside, "Hey!" They cheered as they saw my brother.

"Hey guys," he smiled and looked down at me, I was holding my breath and squeezing his hand to death.
"It's okay," he whispered so only I could hear and we made way to the corner, furthest away from them.

"Who's this?" Tommy asked, I felt my face heat up slightly, my brother looked at me and I was shaking slightly, "This is my little sister, Sophie, she's not one for talking, she might need to warm up a little," He said.

"Nice to meet you Sophie," Mick said, he was the chill one, of course he was, he had to carry these guys weight for years, I put my head down and played with my hands nervously.

"Hey dude, care for a smoke?" Nikki asked my brother, "Nah man, given that shit up," he said, "Really? Good on ya," Vince said.

"Yeah, that shit just made me more distant from my sis so I said fuck it and chucked everything out, never bought more since," He shrugged, I smiled a bit and leaned against his side, he rubbed my shoulder and smiled at me.


Everyone laughed at the random word Mick said to clear the air, meanwhile, I just stayed still as a rock and stared at the ground.

"You okay?" My brother asked and took my hand in his, I nodded slightly and he got an idea.

"Why don't you take your hoodie off?" He asked, I shook my head, "Oh why not?" He pouted, turning to face me, "I don't want to..." I whispered, "Aww, what if I get them to make you laugh, will you then?" He hummed, I nodded.

He shook my hand and turned to the boys.
"We have a deal, if you guys make her laugh she will take her hoodie off," He announced.

"Alright," Nikki said.

"Vince come here," Tommy said, Vince walked over and I watched as Tommy grabbed a bottle of Jack Daniels.
"You want some Jack don't you?" Tommy asked, Vince nodded like s trained puppy, "Good man, now pronounce your vowels," Tommy said.


"Good, now next,"


Where the fuck is this going?


"Ohhh," he moaned, I bit my lip not to laugh while they silently snicketed.

"uhh-" He was cut off by Tommy pouring it down his throat, he coughed and spluttered making me giggle, "Yes!" My brother cheered raising his arms.

I grabbed my hoodie by the sides at the bottom and pulled it off over my head, "Woah..." Tommy said, "Hi... I'm, yeah..." He said making them cackle.

"Tommy's in love," Vince wiggled his brows, I blushed a bit and looked down at my hoodie.
"Oh hell nah," my brother said.

"No, you're a man whore, I ain't letting you date my baby sis!" My brother pouted and hugged me close.

"I'm not a man whore!" Tommy laughed, "Yes... You are," Mick agreed, "Yes you are! Girls girls girls, that's all you think about," my brother huffed, "Girls girls girls!" Vince and Nikki sang and laughed together.

"Yeah but I haven't fucked anyone in three months," Tommy said, everyone gasped and ran up to him, checking his temperature making him laugh.

"TOMMY LEE?! NOT HAVING SEX?! IS HE ILL?!" Nikki gasped.

"I'm fine, I just can't be bothered with those stupid whores," He shrugged.
"Wow, such respect for the women," Mick said, "They are whores though," Vince said.

"I'll let you go on one date with my sister, that's about it," My brother said and walked back to me, "Do I get a say or...?" I asked, "No, I'm older," he said and put me on his lap, I rolled my eyes and fiddled with my fingers.

Tommy walked over to get something down from the rack above us.
"Your eyes are pretty," he said, I murmured under my breath and he smiled and walked away.

"Let me do your hair," my brother said, I nodded and he undid the bun, immediately my hair fell to the ground.

"Woah!" They gasped, Tommy walked over and played with the front sections of my hair, "That's so pretty..." He murmured, I looked up at him and he twirled my hair with his fingers as my brother braided the rest of my hair.

"How do you have so much hair?" Mick asked, "She hasn't had her hair cut since she was twelve," My brother chuckled and tied the end section and patted my head gently.

"That's a long time," Tommy said, "For you yeah," I murmured with a small smile, "You calling me old?" He gasped, I nodded, "Rude!" He pouted making me giggle.

"You're the chosen one," my brother said, "Yeah I am," Tommy smiled and poked my nose, he pushed my hair out of my face and held my face in his hands, "Your skin is smooth, are you human?" He asked.

"Sometimes it feels like she's not," Brother chuckled. "How?" Vince asked, "One time when I was eight, meaning she was six, I ran across the road and out of no where I go flying and skin my knees on the side walk and there she is, running towards me and telling me that I nearly got hit," he chuckled.

"So you're like his guardian angel?" Tommy asked, "Someone has to look after him, he's dumb," I said making him laugh.

"Bitch," brother pouted and hugged me from behind.
"What about you?! 'James can you open this? James can you reach this? James can you help me?'" He huffed, "Hey! I'm short and weak, I got an excuse, you just don't open your eyes and you nearly get killed," I said.

"Yeah, she's just tiny and has no muscles," Tommy said, "Bitch," I said making him laugh.

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