Nikki Sixx #31 | Mini Lee.

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Tommy had decided to bring his cute little niece along to the studio, Y/N.
She had a big smile and giggled as she met all the boys.
"This is Vince, Mick, and this guy here is Nikki," Tommy said, she liked them all.

As time went on, she found herself sitting beside Nikki who ruffled her hair up.
She giggled up at him making him smile, she sat on his lap and snuggled into his chest.

"Aww, Nikki she likes you!" Tommy cooed, "Aww," Nikki smiled and rubbed her back.

The whole day, they barely practiced, just rambled on about random stuff.
Tommy's sister would be here to pick her up in about three hours.

Little one however didn't want to leave her uncle and her new best friends, especially Nikki.

Vince was really sweet, he gave her lollies and he even got her a small teddy bear which she loved, she gave him a big hug making him smile.

"She's such a sweetheart," Vince chuckled, "I know right?! I've got the cutest niece in the whole world," Tommy smiled brightly.

Y/N was obsessed with Nikki's gloves, she played with his hands making him chuckle, "Why are you so cute?" He asked her, smiling down at her, she giggled and played with his hair, "Fluffy!" She squealed and giggled, "Aww," Nikki cooed.

Her tummy rumbled loudly, she giggled and Tommy grabbed from his bag, a small container of fruit that she loved.

She ate it happily and giggled as Mick was tuning his guitar.
She watched him curiously, legs rested on Nikki's knees as she watched him.

He sensed eyes on him, so he turned and saw her watching, she smiled a bit, he turned so she could see and he turned the volume up, she loved the sound of guitar...

She also loved when her uncle Tommy played the drums.
Y/N giggled and jumped down, sitting in front of Mick.
"Tuning is interesting, apparently," he said as the other three chuckled as they watched.

He played Girls Girls Girls for her and she giggled the whole time.
She hugged his leg making them all coo.

He patted her head and she giggled up at him.
She went back to Nikki and sat on his lap, she  hugged him and had a nap in his chest making him chuckle.

"Oi, come here," he whispered, Vince and Tommy got up and cooed as she was asleep on him, a small smile on her face.


Three hours are up.
Tommy's sister arrived, ready to take her daughter home.

"Hey, honey," Nikki cooed and gently woke her up, she turned and whined as she knew why her mother was here.

"Nooooo," she whined, "Come on honey," she chuckled.
She huffed and cuddled closer to Nikki.

"I don't wanna leave you," she pouted, "This is absolutely adorable," Vince said making them chuckle.

"You can see them again soon," Her mother chuckled.
"Noooo, I can't leave fluffy!" She whined, "Hah! Fluffy!" Mick snickered.

"Listen to me lovely," Nikki said softly, "How about I come over and visit you whenever I can, mm?" He smiled, "Okay..." She pouted.

"Come on love," her mother smiled, Tommy got up and lightly grabbed her, "You're so warm!" Tommy gasped and tickled her making her laugh.

"Nikki feel her," Tommy said, Nikki held her hand, "She is warm," Nikki agreed.
"Probably from clinging to you," Tommys sister chuckled.

They laughed along and they waved as the little one left with her mother.
"Bye Vinny! Bye uncie! Bye Micky! Bye fluffy!" She called as she waved, "Bye!" They said in a sing song tone and waved.

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