Mick Mars #47 | The son.

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Mick had it bad for that one female roadie who helped them out.
He thought she was killer, she had proven how she was a great guitarist, she had even stepped in to do some guitar fill when Vince had a bandaged hand (from breaking a bottle of mustard) and could not play.

She had gorgeous black hair, pale skin and a pair of hips that made men drool and stare. Even Mick, who liked to think of himself as above that, but he had been caught doing that (refusing so when Tommy called him out for so obviously checking her out).

The whole band knew, but seen as he had bought them some gear and booze, they kept it secret for him. Out of respect of course...

She had a smile that made his heart flutter and go a few miles faster, he loved her to pieces... He didn't want anyone else to have her... No one!

She sat by them in the studio, chuckling with them and nodding her head, suddenly the studio phone began to ring, "Josie! Dude it's for you," Tommy said, she got up and grabbed the phone, her smile faded and her face went pale.

"Is he alright?!" She asked into the receiver, "Shit... I'm on my way!" She said and slammed the phone down, grabbing her stuff and dropping it all, she began cursing and scrambling to shove it in her bag.

"Josie? You okay dude?" Vince asked in shock, "I need to see my son!" She said and Mick helped her pack up, she ran out the door faster than lightning and they watched from the window, she ran all the way to the hospital.

"Her son is in hospital?" Tommy asked, feeling a pit of concern hit his gut, "Man..." Nikki sighed, they all felt worried for her.

They visited the hospital and saw her rocking back and forth in the waiting room.
"Josie? You okay? What happened?" Vince asked, "H-he... My son fell over his toy and cracked his head on the wall..." She panicked, having a panic attack, "Come here... Come here honey," Mick said softly and gave her a hug, swaying side to side with her as she cried into his shoulder.

"Oh Josie... Dude I'm so sorry man," Tommy said and rubbed her back, "He's all I got... I need him..." She sniffled, "I know... I know Josie," Mick said softly and let her bury her face in his neck, even letting her play with his hair which he never let anyone do.

The doctor walked out and she ran over, grabbing his shoulders and talking a million miles an hour and begging to know if her baby boy was alright.

"Miss... Calm down," he said and she was hugged from behind by Mick, "Your son is alright, he's just a little shaken up and scared is all, he's awake now," he said, "Can I see him?!" Josie begged, "You may," he nodded, she ran into his room and saw her little boy, she ran over and hugged him tightly, her little boy squealed for mama, crying in her arms.

The boys walked in and saw the heart-melting scene of the two bonding.
"I should've never left you with a nanny sweetie... I'm so sorry," she sobbed and kissed his forehead a few times.

"Mama!" He wailed, she picked him up and hugged him close, rocking side to side with him in her arms.

"He's so little man..." Vince said, "He's three..." She said, "I see why you had a heart attack over it than," Tommy said and little man looked at them, "Hey dude!" Tommy smiled and waved at him, "H-hi..." He hiccupped, "You're so brave honey..." She said as she looked at his head and saw glue.

"Brave alright," Mick nodded, "What's his name?" Vince asked, "His name is Griffin," Josie smiled, wiping her tears away as she watched her son look at the four musicians.

"Hi..." He said looking at Mick, "Hello," Mick smiled and waved at him, Griffin held his arms out, wanting to be held so Josie gently passed him over.

"He's got his mamas looks," Mick chuckled, "I know," Josie giggled, Griffin simply smiled up at the guitarist and tilted his head, "I like you mister!" He said and cuddled into his neck.

"Aww..." Josie cooed, "I like you too kiddo," Mick smiled and rubbed his little back.

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