Vince Neil #24 | I'm in deep.

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Vince was in deep, as you can guess from the title.

You see, he didn't just have a crush, he was madly in love, with who? Her, Y/N.

Her gorgeous hair, soft looking skin and gorgeous eyes, everytime he saw her he just wanted to grab her and kiss all over her cute face and tell her how badly in love with her he was.

But he was afraid. Vince Neil, afraid of talking to a woman? You say what?

She had been stressed from working on her lyrics. That's right, she's also in a band, she's the guitarist and my god, whenever she sings and plays guitar just for him, he feels his heart swell.

She walked in, wearing a knitted jumper, it was white and her shorts were black, yet you couldn't see as it was under the jumper.

She pouted and rubbed her eyes, "Hey!" Vince smiled, "Hi..." She hummed standing in front of him.

"How was your sleep?" He hummed, "It was good, I dreamt that you had really fluffy hair and let me play with it," she giggled.

He chuckled, a small tint of red on his head, he leaned forward, put her hand on his head and rested his cheek against her stomach, "Yay, Vincey hugs!" She giggled and played with his hair.

"I like your hugs," he said, "I like your hugs too," she giggled and poked his nose making him smile.

She tripped and fell onto his lap, she blushed and giggled, "Hi," he said, "Hello!" She said and put her hand on his cheek.

"What ya doin?" He asked, "I is sitting here, on my new pillow, I got it from a shop, called Motley Crue, I don't know if you've heard of it," she smiled, he chuckled and shit bit her lip as she smiled widely.

"You've got such a cute smile," he said as he put the recliner up, "Thank you! You has a pretty everything, because youre just... Vinny, the Vin master!" She said making him chuckle.

They ended up cuddling like that, her nose against his as they looked into each other's eyes.
"You've got pretty eyes," she smiled, "You've got pretty eyes too!" He hummed.
She pecked his nose making him smile, his face getting red.

"Aww, Vincey is blushing," she smiled, "Mm, whatever you say," he said, "Yeah, I made you blush cause I'm such a good kisser," she said proudly.

"I don't know... I think I'd have to find out..." He said twirling her hand with his finger, "Find out... You wanna kiss?" She blushed, "Well, if you insist," he smirked, putting his hand behind her neck and bringing her in, not too fast so she could back up if she wanted.

He pecked her lips softly, before slowly pulling away.
"Smooth, you're real smooth Vinny," she smiled, "I know," he hummed and rubbed her thighs, "You're just jealous that I am tall," she nodded, "Whatever you say baby girl," he smiled.

"Vinny?" She asked, "Hmm?" He asked.

"D-do you like me?" She blushed, he smiled a bit, "I love you more then anything... I fell head over heels with you since the moment you opened your pretty mouth and told me your name," he said as he rubbed her thighs.

"Really?" She blushed, he nodded, "I love you too, it's kind of embarrassing actually..." She murmured, looking into his blue eyes.

"I remember when I bumped into you, I was like, 'oh my god it's Vince Neil!'," she giggled, he smiled a bit and held her hand, she interlocked their fingers and giggled as his hands were bigger then hers.

"You're really warm, can we cuddle all day?" She begged, "I have to make breakfast," he smiled, "You can do that while cuddling me," she pouted.

He chuckled and got up, carrying her to the kitchen, he put her on his hip and got some cereal, "Here, you pour it, or else I'll make sure mess," he said, she poured the milk into both bowls and he got two spoons, "Bloop!" He said.
She giggled and kissed his cheek making him smile, she grabbed her bowl and he sat down at the table with her.

"I love you blondie," she smiled, "I love you too baby," he said softly and pecked her jaw.

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