Mick Mars #43 | That jerk...

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(Mick is a sweetie so this is hard to write).

It was after hours and Y/N was working after hours in the library, helping out as a volunteer and placing books in their places.

"You sure you'll be alright?" Miss asked, "Yeah, I'll be fine!" She smiled softly, waving at miss who smiled and waved back, leaving the room keys on the table for her to lock up when  she's finished.

She climbed up the ladder, humming to herself as she looked at the books in her hand, she wheeled the ladder to the end and began placing the books in the correct spots.

The door opened without her noticing.
"Hey do you know where- oh... It's you," she turned to see Robert, the class nerd, for some reason he's always a jerk to her.

"Can I help you?" She asked and went through the books, gently placing them in their spots and making the ladder wheel back and forth, worried as the ladder is quite old.

"Nah, forget it," he sighed, "Okay than, so you don't want anything, or is it because I'm here?" She hummed and went on her tippy toes to reach the top shelf.

He began sneaking up the ladder to her, "Robert! It's gonna break under us!" She gasped, he only rolled his eyes and bounced on it, "No it won't," he said, "Robert! It's old and it's made of wood, it's 100% gonna break, get down!" She hissed, he shook his head so she sighed and jumped off the ladder, "Get your ass down here," she huffed, he rolled his eyes but did so anyways, feeling a pang of pain shoot down his spine.

"Ah fuck..." He hissed and grabbed at his back, "You alright Bobby?" She asked nervously, she went to touch his back but he groaned and slapped her hand away, "Don't touch me, freak!" He barked and tried straightening his back up, he was in agony, grabbing at the table and hissing as it felt like fire running down his spine.

"Robert...?" She asked nervously, "Just fuck off!" He groaned, "Take a seat, here come on," she said and helped him to a seat, she grabbed some cushions from the couch and gently put them behind his back.

"Why are you nice to me?" He frowned, tears panging in his eyes. "I try so hard to make you hate me," He sighed, "Why?" She frowned.

He stayed quiet and looked anywhere but her. "Robert?" She asked softly, kneeling down and holding his hand.

"Because I love you, you don't deserve me, that's why I'm trying to shoo you away, damn it!" He groaned and felt angry tears run down his face.

"You... You love me?" She asked in shock, "Yes I love you!" He hissed, "You're always nice to everyone and I'm grumpy! I'm a fuckin old man already! My fucking bones are fusing together and I can't do anything!" He was near screaming as he was crying pathetically.

"Robby stop crying..." She said softly, "What use does it make I cant- I can't..." He whimpered, "I love you too, okay? We're gonna work this out together," she promised and kissed his hand, "Y-you... You?" He blushed, face going scarlet, "You actually love me?" He asked, she nodded, "You deserve someone with a normal body..." He told her, "Rob, I don't have a normal body, I'm covered in scars, imperfections and stretch marks, but you still love me?" She asked, he nodded, "I love you all the same," she said softly and kissed his cheek, "Come on... We best shut the library," she said softly, he sat up and she lead him out of the library, hands around his waist as she locked the door and walked with him home.

"I'm sorry..." He mumbled, "Don't be sorry, hey... I know one way you can make it up to me," she smiled, "How?" He asked, "Play guitar for me?" She grinned, "How did you know I play guitar?" He frowned, "I saw your band, the Beatles cover band? I loved your covers... Your guitar work is amazing..." She said in awe, he found himself nearly squeal as he was so at awe.

"Marry me..." He whispered under his breath, "What?" She asked, "What? Nothing!" He coughed and went crimson, "Um... I better get going," he chuckled nervously, "Bye Robby," she smiled and kissed his cheek as she made her own way home.

He watched her go, smiling in awe and watching her hips sway left to right softly.
She turned and smiled, waving at him, he waved back and found his heart flutter, he grinned slightly and went inside.

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