Vince Neil #17 | Harley.

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Your heart was going a million miles an hour, you looked around, people, people, people, everywhere you looked there were people.

You felt everything slow down except your heart and breathing.
You stumbled backwards and looked around, muttering sorry as you fumbled out of the room, you ran to a tree and collapsed, breathing heavily into your hands as you shook like mad.

"Hey... Honey?" You jumped and saw a man get off of a Harley.
Wait... That's Vince.
You backed away and he slowly knelt down. "Darling? I won't hurt you... Deep breaths," he mumbled.

You slowly crawled towards him and he held your head to his chest. "Deep breaths... Focus on my heart," he whispered.

So you did, listening to the calm rhythm of his heart.
"That's it... Good girl," he smiled and rubbed your arms.

"What happened?" He asked, "I don't like crowds..." You sniffled. "Mm, I understand," he sighed softly, "You're very beautiful..." He said, you looked into his eyes, "Thank you, so are you," you mumbled.

He smiled softly and gently took your hand.
"Can I take you home?" He asked, "What about the club? You just got here?" You asked.

"No no, I'll be fine baby, so is that a yes?" He asked, "Yes please," you said. You told him the address and he nodded.
He smiled and took you to his bike, "Hold on tight baby," he said, you held onto his waist as he drove off.

This is like a dream.
Two dreams In one. You get to meet your favourite vocalist and get to ride on a Harley?

You loved it... You rested your head on his back and sighed softly.
As he stopped, he helped you off and took you to your door.

"Thank you Vinnie," you said, he smiled brightly, "My pleasure," he bowed, "Can I see you again?" You asked, he smiled softly, "That all depends, you down for a ride?" He asked, "On the wild side?" You asked and wiggled your brows, he chuckled and held your waist, "I'll drive you wild," he smirked, you giggled and kissed his cheek, grabbing his hand and writing your number down.

"Thank you Vinnie, for the ride, for being sweet and for helping me," you said, "Of course, remember, deep breaths and name things you see around the room, chow baby," he said backing up, "Bye Vincey!" You waved, he blew a kiss and drove off.

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