Mick Mars #36 | All grown up.

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-dad au-

Mick watched as his daughter giggled, holding hands with her boyfriend.
He felt like such a crap dad, he couldn't spin her around, go to daddy daughter dances, all because of his bad back...

He sighed softly.
A small smile as he watched how happy her boyfriend made her.

"Daddy!" She giggled, he walked over, Eric, he boyfriend gave him a hug, he was taken aback before gently patting his back.

"Oh okay," Mick chuckled as they both hugged him.
He rubbed their backs, smiling as they cuddled into him.

"Kiddos, you gotta go home, I don't want you driving tired," Mick said, carressing their cheek, "Aww," She pouted and kissed his cheek.

"I love you daddy," she said, he smiled and rubbed her stomach, which grew more and more.
"I love you too love," he said, "You look after my babies Eric, or else," he smiled, "I will," Eric giggled and gave him one last hug.

Mick watched them leave, a small smile on his face.


Months passed, a knock was at Mick's door, he opened it, "Huh?" He asked, "Hey daddy," she smiled, gently passing her son to him.

"Oh... Aww," Mick said as he looked at the little one, "Don't kill me," Eric said making him chuckle.

"I could never..." Mick said as he very gently rubbed the back of his fingers over the babies cheek.

"I love you daddy."



A knock was at the door.

Mick groaned, cursing his bad back as he walked over.
"Grandpa!" Max, smiled as he hugged Mick, "Hey," Mick smiled, rubbing the 20 year olds back.

"Guess what?" Max smiled, "What?" Mick chuckled, "You're gonna be a great grandpa!" Max smiled.

"Oh god... Stop making me feel so old," Mick said making him chuckle.

"I love you kid," Mick said, "I love you to pop," Max smiled.

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