Nikki Sixx #25 | Why help now?

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I was the shy kid in school, I got picked on a lot, even by my crushes group, Nikki... That's his nickname, his name is Frankie, but if anyone calls him that he gets really mad.

I made the mistake once, and he slapped me and called me a moron, telling me his name was Nikki Sixx.

Why do I have a crush on him?
Well, he's real sweet when he isn't with the boys I've noticed, whenever he's with the younger students, like Tommy and Vince, he seems to be really... Cocky and mean.

After Art which was my last subject, I got my stuff and walked out of there, boys pushed my head and laughed as I did nothing.

"Look, look," one guy said, he turned me around, I looked up at him and the next thing I knew, a fist met my face.

"What the fuck?!" Nikki yelled and pushed them out of the way, he knelt down to me and grabbed tissues from his pocket and placed them on my nose.

"Why are you helping me now?" I asked as people left.
"Look, I'm sorry okay, just... Stuff is happening," he said.

"I get that stuff happens, trust me I know, but that's no excuse to be rude to people," I said, "What would you know?" He groaned.

"One, my father is abusive, two, my mother killer herself in front of me when I was little," I said, "Oh... I'm... I'm really sorry," he sighed, he helped me up and took me to the nurses office.

"I'm sorry... About my friends and all, I'll stop hanging out with them," he said, "Oh no it's fine," I said, "No it's not fine!" He barked.

"Sorry," he said as I jumped when he yelled.
"I just... I really like you, and I'm stupid and I slapped you one time!" He said.

"It's fine Nikki," I smiled, he helped me sit down, "Nurse is out for a week," he said and opened a band aid package, he opened it and put it on my nose.

"Why are you hovering your leg above the bed?" He asked, "Oh no reason," I said.

"Are you hurt?" He asked, I shook my head.
He turned me around and there was a wound above my thigh highs.
"What happened?" He asked, "Nothing," I said looking back at him, "Yeah sure," he rolled his eyes, "Tell me," he said as he opened a bandage.

"I fell down the hill on the oval, I cut my thigh on a stick," I said, "How'd you fall?" He asked, "Clumsy I guess," I shrugged, "Clumsy my ass, you like too much," he scoffed.

"Fine, I wasn't watching where I was going and someone hit me with a football which made me fall," I said and he sighed.

"What are you- OW!" I yelled as he touched my sore, "Sorry, sorry," he apologized and turned me around.

"You got pretty thighs," he said, "Thank you..." I mumbled, "I'm sorry for calling you a moron, yelling at you and slapping you," he said and hugged me, "It's okay," I hummed.

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