Tommy Lee #20 | Nieces...

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I groaned as I reached for my phone. "Hello?" I asked tiredly, "Hey babe, sorry to wake you, my sister dropped her daughter off... Can you help me please?" He begged, "Why don't you get the guys to help?" I yawned, "They're here and I'm scared there's gonna be a fire, Mick is good because he's a dad but still!" He pouted, "Alright alright, I'll be over soon," I said, "Thank you babe!" He sighed.

I whined as we hung up, I got changed and brushed my hair before walking down the road to his house.

I knocked on the door and he opened it with a beaming smile, "Thank god you're here!" He sighed and took me inside.

She was adorable! Brown hair, blue eyes and puffy baby cheeks, she's only a year old.

I walked to the lounge where she was and scooped her into my arms, she giggled and babbled random words and sounds making me smile.

"Hi," I smiled and kissed her forehead.
"We hungry?" I asked her, "Maa.... Chee...!" She squeaked, "Mac N Cheese it is," I chuckled, "Here, I trust you the most with a kid," I said putting her on Mick's lap, "Mean," Vince pouted.

I sent him a questioning look making him chuckle as I went to the pantry.
I grabbed the Mac and cheese, "Fifteen minutes," I read on the box, I put the stuff in the pot and closed the lid as I sat on the counter.

Tommy walked over and put his head on my shoulder, "Thank god you're here..." He sighed making me giggle, "It's not that difficult," I smiled.

"You just gotta learn how to baby talk, I know how because I'm dating a massive baby," I smirked, he huffed and bit my cheek gently making me laugh, "Don't make out, there's a child here," Vince said, "Oh ha ha," I said sarcastically as I snuggled Tommy.

"If anything Vince, you need a warning, as you have probably had more sex with more girls then I've had meals," I said making them all laugh, he chuckled and flipped me off, "Ooh, feisty," I said playfully.

After a while, Tommy grabbed the pot and took it off the heat, letting it cool down as he turned the stove off.
"You got a big head," I said patting his head, "Bitch," he chuckled making me giggle.

"U-uhhh," Paige, his neice babbled as she crawled over, aww she's so cute!
"Un-untie- un... Uncie!" She said hugging Tommy's leg, he cooed and picked her up, "Hello cutie," he smiled and kissed her cheek, "Uh!" She giggled and played with his hair.

Tommy served up the Mac in a small bowl for her while putting the rest into large bowls for the rest of us.

"Foods done," he called, they walked in and he placed bowls on the bench, I giggled as Paige wiggled in his arms.

"Here comes the choo choo train!" He said and made train noises as he put the spoon in her mouth, she giggled and munched on her food while I ate on the counter.

"Mwah, I love you," he smiled down at her, "I... I... Uhhhh wuuu!" She giggled making us all coo, "What a cutie!" Nikki chuckled as we all sat on the counter eating.

"Taste good?" He asked, she wiggled front and back in his arms, as if nodding with her whole body making him chuckle, "That's great to hear," he said as he gently tickled her big belly which was slowly getting full.

He patted her back and she belched, "Damn, gets it from her uncle!" He said happily and kissed her cheek making her giggle.

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