Vince Neil #48 | Shout at the...

501 9 7

(Demon AU)

"Imagine if this shit fuckin works dude," Tommy laughed as they set up a pentagram in the studio, "That'd be the day," Mick said sarcastically, kicking back and drinking some vodka.

The boys all went around in circles giggling like school girls while Mick rolled his eyes and mumbled 'idiots' under his breath.

"Okay! Now we need a blood offering," Vince read, they turned to him, "Why me?!" Vince barked, "One, your idea, two, I did that last time," Nikki said, showing off his bandaged arm.

Vince grumbled and grabbed a knife, cutting a small line on his arm and letting the blood drip Into the middle of the pentagram.

"This is so stupid," Mick sighed, "Okay, next we need fire," Nikki said reading the book, they grabbed the 'lamp' (idfk) that they had in Looks that Kill and lit the corners on fire.

"Now... We say that chant thing," Tommy said reading the Greek.
"Well?" Nikki asked, "Give me a minute, I'm rusty!" Tommy barked, he muttered to himself before he said it confidently.

They chanted it four times when out of no where the room went bitch black and there was a loud boom to be heard.

The boys ran from the pentagram and took cover, there, in the middle was a girl in rags, shaking a little with horns, wings and a tail, she whimpered on the floor.

"Don't... Trust it," Mick whispered, eyeing the devil closely, "But..." Nikki said, they were all watching from behind the couches.

She simply crawled off of the pentagram and laid right in front of the microphone stand.
"... You there!" Vince called, his band mates facepalmed as the blonde got up and walked over to the demon.

The demon screamed in terror and tried hiding, hiding in their arms and tucked up knees.

"Hey... I won't hurt you," Vince said, kneeling down and gently touching their arm, "I'm Vince," he spoke, gently cupping her face.

She whimpered and shook like a leaf, grabbing hold of him as his other band mates walked over.

"Relax, that's Mick, Tommy and Nikki," Vince said softly, she simply pouted and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, burying her head in his neck.

"How the hell did you get here?" Tommy asked, "D-dont know... I-Its... I... I... I slave..." She stuttered, "You're a slave down there in hell?" Mick frowned, she nodded with a pout, before she began to wail.

"Hey... There there, it's alright," Vince said softly and swayed with her in his arms, "You're um... safe with us guys," Nikki said and patted her head.

"S... Sh... Shout at the devil?" She asked, noticing the album on the table, "Uh... It's an album we made... We're musicians," Vince told her, they all looked at each other.

"Y-you hate me?" She pouted, her lip wobbling a little.
"No! No it's um... It means shout at negativity and you're... You're not negative at all!" Vince explained and brushed through her hair.

"You guys sing?" She asked, eyes widening in awe, "I'm the singer, these guys do back up vocals sometimes, Nikki is bass, Tommy is drums and Mick does guitar," Vince explained and rubbed her back.

She made a really high pitched squeal sound and flew into Vince's arms, "I love singing!" She purred and cuddled up to him.

"Aww... Vince I think she likes you," Tommy chuckled, she simply giggled in Vince's arms and gently bit at his cheek.

"What's you're name?" Vince asked, "Devilline!" She smiled widely and fluttered her wings, purring happily in his arms.

"Devilline..." Vince smiled softly and rubbed her back.

The whole day she was in Vince's arms, clung to him like a child and cuddled into his neck as he walked around and sang with the band.

Even during recording she was attached to him and snuggled into his neck.

"Shout at the- ahh!" Vince screeched as she bit at his neck, leaving a giant purple mark behind.
"Aww~ Vince she likes you~" Nikki teased over the recording booth, Vince went bright red and held her close.

They began recording again and she licked his cheek as he sang.

"Well..." Vince sighed at the end of the day.
"Come on my little devil~" he purred, smirking as he carried her to his motorbike, she giggled and cuddled up to him as he took her home.

"You're my cute little devil," he smirked and put her hair up for her, earning a giggle as she jumped up and down.

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