Mick Mars #44 | Beards

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Mick had a cigarette hanging from his lips as he looked out the window, puffing on the toxic gas as he relaxed. However the sounds of footsteps made him turn his head, seeing a beautiful woman known as his wife walk in.

"Hey honey," she said and sat beside him, "Hey sugar," he said and flicked at his cigarette, she watched him do so and held his hand, "I like your beard," she smiled softly, he raised a brow and ran his hand over it, it was more so stubble than a beard.

"Really?" He raised a brow, she nodded her head and smiled as he smirked over at her.
He squished his cigarette into the ash tray and turned to her.
"How are you today, gorgeous?" He asked and pressed his hand to her thigh, "I'm fine... Work was tideous, again..." She sighed and leaned into his side.

"You don't have to work you know? I make enough to provide for both of us," Mick said, "I know, but I don't want to mooch off of you," she said and kissed him softly.

"You're the best husband," she smiled and gently scratched at his beard, "You're the best beard scratcher," he said with cheek to his tone, she laughed and kissed him as she straddled him, "You're an idiot Micky," she smiled softly, "Just for my gorgeous wife," he winked.

"You're such a twit," she told him and kissed at his beard, "And you're such a weirdo, you give good head so I keep ya," he shrugged, she blushed and slapped his chest making him laugh, "I ain't lyin though," he smirked, "Babe!" She blushed making him chuckle.

"I love you," he smiled, "I love you too," she mumbled and pressed their foreheads together.
"You're mine," he growled making her giggle, "You're mine too, and I'm all yours," she smiled softly, letting him rake his fingers through her hair.

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