Mick Mars #15 | Bad hair day.

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Tommy has a little sister, not younger by much, only a year, but he loves calling her baby sister just to annoy her.

Ever since they were kids, he's been protective and they've been best friends.
"Y/N, the boys are coming over in five," he told her, she hummed from inside her room, he walked off down the steps and made some food.

Many people don't know this, but Tommy is an amazing chef...

-Your POV-

Stupid hair! God why can I never get this shit right?! Tommy had fucked up my hair the night before from teasing the ever living shit out of it, so now I have this mess.
I sighed softly, that's when I heard a car and two motorbikes pull up, "Oh just great..." I said sarcastically.

"Sis, you nearly done in there?" Tommy asked, "Yeah, will be done soon," I called, he hummed and walked off, I heard the boys laughing like idiots, ever since I met Vince who at the time was in year 12 and I was in year 10, he loved teasing me.

A knock was at my door. "Yes what is it?" I sighed, "You okay?" Was that Mick? Mick is the only one I hadn't met.

"Yeah, I can't get this stupid hair right," I told him through the door, "May I come in?" He asked, "Yeah," I sighed.

He walked in and sat on my bed behind me, I turned to look at him, he was so... Handsome.

Long black hair, soft looking skin and he smelt like after shave and Cologne.
He began brushing out my hair, lightly ruffling it ever so often, it was relaxing in a way.

I sighed and fiddled with my fingers.
"You look a lot like Tommy," he told me, "Yeah, I'm told that a lot," I smiled.

"You don't seem as stupid as him though," he murmured in my ear, I forced out a laugh, holy shit he's so close to my face. I felt him smile against my ear before he moved back.

He put the brush down, "There, fixed," he said, "Thank you, you're Mick aren't you?" I asked, he gave a nod, "Yeah, and youre Y/N," he smiled.

We went down stairs and Vince ran over, putting me in a headlock, "My favourite little baby waby girl," he laughed and gave me a noogie.

"Aww Vince! Mick just fixed my fuckin hair, you babboon!" I hissed and tackled him, "GO Y/N!" Tommy and Nikki chanted, I accidentally punched his jaw, "Oh, I'm sorry," I said and giggled as I hugged him, he laughed and threw his head back.

"Tommy your sister is a woose!" He chuckled making Tommy laugh.
"Damn right she is Vince," Tommy said.

I flipped them off and grabbed my last nights dinner, sitting at the table by myself as they spoke while watching TV.

That's when Mick walked over. "I really don't know what to do without a guitar," he said making me giggle. "They're such idiots, I feel like their dad," he said, "Well, you are pretty old," I teased, "Fuck you kid," he said with a small smile, I giggled and sat beside him.

"Well I like you, you're not as annoying as my big brother," I smiled, "Still I'm old," he said, "I know... Walking dinosaur," I whispered, he scoffed and grumbled under his breath making me giggle.
"We're going down to the strip, you coming?" He asked, "I thought you said 'were going down to strip, you coming?' Are you asking if I'm cumming watching you strip?!" I laughed making him laugh along.

"You're disgusting," he said shaking his head, "You love it, I'm your favourite," I nodded proudly, "Favourite... You act like a baby," he smirked.

I pouted and blinked so fake tears would fall. "Micky hurt my feewings..." I whimpered making him snicker.
"Tommy! Micky is being mean to me!" I whined, "Yeah yeah, go suck tongue with the old man," he said not looking at me as he watched TV.

I scoffed, "Fuck you kid!" Mick yelled, "Not my type!" Tommy called making me giggle.
"You love it," I smiled, "Eh..." Mick said making me smile brightly.

We went to the strip, I was in Mick's car, my head against the rest as I relaxed. "You've got great taste by the way," I smiled, "Why thank you," he smirked.

"What's with the smirk?" I asked, "Hehe..." He giggled cheekily, it was kinds cute in a way.
"You're a dork Mr. Mars," I smiled, "Yeah yeah," he said.

"You know Tommy nearly killed me once? Did he tell you the story?" I asked, "Nope," he said.

"When I was twelve, he was thirteen, I was in my bedroom drawing when all of a sudden this flare went into my room and my brother screams, 'Y/N RUN OUT OF YOUR ROOM RIGHT FUCKING NOW!' And I did and my bedroom door exploded off the hinges and everything was burnt, he got the spanking of his life, let me tell ya," I giggled making him laugh.

"He probably enjoyed it," Mick snickered, "Who knows," I shrugged, "I do know that one time when I had a seizure he saved me, our parents weren't home and my stress from school got me fucked up, so he spoke me through it and all I remember is him putting me on my side as I threw up flem and crap.." I told him.

"Not cool," Mick said, "Nope, but at least my brother is a little caring," I smiled making him chuckle as he parked and turned the car off.

We went inside and I giggled as Tommy got dragged away by some girls.
Vince was flirting with some chick while Nikki went to the pub.

"Well, that leaves you and I," he said, "Yep, I'm going outside, this music's giving me a splitting headache," I said making him chuckle as I went outside, he followed me and I sat down on the limestone, him following, it wasn't high, but high enough to where our feet dangled about a foot of the ground.

"You have pretty eyes," I said moving his hair out of his face, his blue eyes searched mine, "So do you... They're green and shiny..." He mumbled.

I smiled slightly, "More vibrant then Nikki's, they're beautiful," he smiled.
I giggled slightly and sat closer.

"You know I bet my brother is having the time of his life right now," I smiled, "Good on him," Mick said putting his arm around my waist.

"So am I," he smiled, I smiled up at him and played with his fingers, "Y/N?" He asked, I hummed, "I'm glad you're here, I'd go insane," he chuckled making me giggle as I gently pecked his cheek, "I'm glad you're here too old fart," I smiled, he glared and tickled me making me laugh.

"Evil!" I squealed making him chuckle.
"THAT'S MY MIDDLE NAME!" He cackled evilly, "Micky!" I giggled.

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