Nikki Sixx #24 | T or D.

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We were all sitting around in a circle, cups of alcohol of choice in our hand and I was beside my best friend Vivianne, who's Vince's girlfriend, we were playing Truth or Dare when the bottle landed on me, the rear of the bottle facing Tommy who was super drunk he had no care what he asked or was dared to do.

"Dare," I said, "Let Vivi give you a hickey!" He said, I gaped at him making them all laugh.
"Noo, it's gonna feel weird!" I whined, "You get used to it," Vince said.

I pouted, "You better not sink your teeth into me or I'll get you back," I warned her, she giggled and moved my hair out of the way, "I'm scared," I whined, "It won't hurt babe, relax," Nikki said.

I pouted and shrieked as I felt her lips on my neck.
"This feels so gross," I said as she licked my neck, she snickered and latched her mouth on my neck, sucking away, "She's gotta do a bunch," Tommy said, "Hey you never said that!" I huffed, "Oh well," he snickered and downed his Jack.

We giggled together and she ended up having to pin me because I was moving too much, "Noo!" I squealed, my friend Amy held my face so I would move, "Nooo! Help me!" I screamed and kicked my legs in the air making them all laugh.

"Nikki!" I whined, "Calm down," he chuckled and held my hand, "Noo! Not there that feels weird!" I laughed as she bit a sensitive spot, "Ooh, Nikki I found her sweet spot," she wiggled her brows at him, "Is it over now?" I pouted, "Yes it's over," Nikki chuckled and helped me up, he rubbed my shoulder as I pouted.

"Poor Y/N!" Mick laughed, "But Mick it felt weird!" I huffed making him chuckle.

They spun the bottle and it landed on me again, "Oh come on! No more hickeys! I beg of you!" I said pleading Vince, "Please, I beg of you!" I pouted putting my hands together, he chuckled, "Alright, give one to Nikki," he said.

"What?!" I yelled, "Give one to Nikki," he said, "I don't know how to! Do I look like a fucking parana to you?!" I screamed making everyone laugh.

I turned to Nikki who chuckled, "It's not that difficult, just pretend you're sucking on a straw or something," he said, "Ooh, long straw," Vivi smirked, "Go to hell parana," I huffed making her laugh.

"Noo, this is weird," I giggled, "True, we have an audience," Nikki chuckled.
"Just don't bite me," he said.

"Aww, damn," I said jokingly making him smile.

I latched onto his neck and made a giant hickey, "Woah, woops," I giggled as I looked at it, "Show us!" They said, I turned his head and there was a giant hickey on the side of his neck, everyone laughed their asses off.

"You sure you've never given a hickey before?" Vince laughed, "I'm positive!" I giggled.

The night was so chaotic, I ended up looking like a tomato as they kept trying to make me do nasty things.

"Nah uh, I look like a fuckin leopard," I said making them laugh.

"Can you get hickeys on the back of your neck?" I asked curiously, "I have no idea," Nikki said.

"My head hurts," I said, "Probably to much bruises," Mick chuckled as he downed his drink, "You guys are pure evil, you know that?" I asked making them chuckle, "Sadly yeah," Nikki smirked.

"Vivi, Amy, you both suck, also fuck you Tommy for making this happen, suck it," I said flipping him off.

"Pussy!" He yelled, "IS WHAT YOU DON'T GET!" I yelled making everyone cackle.

Nikki kissed my cheek, "Calm down baby, it's okay, I won't let anything happen to you," he smiled, I smiled a bit and rested my legs on his lap.

"You've got tiny hands," he said holding mine, "Suck my ass," I said making him chuckle.

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