Nikki Sixx #8 | Nephew.

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I sat with my nephew on my lap, he's two years old and knows a bit of words, but not much. I played with his short hair and the guys were talking about music.

My nephew of course had a bad influence as the guys usually were around women in very little clothing.
I had a zip up hoodie and a grey shirt on, Mick was beside me talking to me about random stuff.

My nephew Tyson kept trying to unzip my hoodie. "Hey!" I huffed as he managed it, he ripped it open, "Woah!" He said as he looked at my chest making us all laugh.

"You did not just do that!" I giggled and put him down, letting him crawl around while the guys teased me.

"Giving him a bit of eye candy young are we?" Vince asked and winked making me snicker.
"I swear to God..." I giggled.

We went out to the beach, my nephew was shirtless with little boy trunks on, trotting around while holding my hand and I had a rashy over my bikini.

I sat on the floor next to Nikki and he told me about the song he's thinking up, 'Sticky Sweet'.

Tyson sat on my lap and rested his side of his head on my chest while Nikki held my hand.
"Auntie?" Tyson mumbled, "Yes honey?" I asked, "Why aren't you naked like those girls?" He asked pointing at women in bikinis, I giggled and Nikki snorted.

"They're not naked baby," I said, "But I can see their butt cheeks," he mumbled making Nikki laugh and give him a high five.

"Honey I'm your aunt, this is very weird," I chuckled, "Aww," Nikki cooed as Tyson stood up and cuddled me.

I screamed in shock as he lifted up my shirt, "Baby!" I giggled making him laugh with Nikki.

I picked him up and carried him to Mick who chuckled as he saw the whole thing, Mick let the little boy hang out with him while I went back to Nikki, I tripped and fell on him, cackling with him as we hit the ground hard.

"Well hello," I wiggled my brows making him chuckle, "Well hello," he smirked and bit his lip making me giggle.

His hands rested on my hips as he laid with me.
"Auntie auntie!" Tyson ran over with the boys, "What?" I asked, "Auntie were getting I cream!" He said, I giggled to myself at how wrong that sounds, "Alright," I said and got up, pulling Nikki up and we tripped over each other, giggling as we collided while walking.

"Have you two drank anything?" Mick chuckled, "Noooo," I wheezed making them laugh.

I sat down with them on the bench, "I'm burning my ass on this fuckin bench," I said making them chuckle, "Make way bitch," I said sitting on Nikki's lap, "You right there?" He asked, "Nah half left," I said making him groan.

Tyson had ice cream all over his face making me giggle.
"Honey, is any going in your mouth?" Mick asked, "Ooh, in the mouth?" I smirked and wiggled my brows, "No!" He said making me giggle.

Tyson fell asleep mid eating making it go on his forehead, I giggled and the boys laughed, I picked him up and put him on the table in front of me, wiping it off of him and waking him up, holding the ice cream so he could eat it.

"Quick before it melts!" I said, he shoved it in his mouth making me laugh. "Whoever's been showing my nephew these things, stop it," I smiled making them chuckle.

Nikki put my hair in a bun and I giggled as Tyson climbed onto my lap.
"Woahhhh!" He said as a pretty woman walked past in a red bikini, "She is isn't she?" Her boyfriend chuckled making the guys laugh along.

I giggled and hugged Tyson who cuddled into me.
He put his head between my chest making me laugh. "What is wrong with my nephew?!" I laughed making them laugh along.

"Baby, no," I giggled and took his head out of there.

As we got home, I made dinner and he ran over, patting my leg, "Hey baby, what do you want?" I smiled, "Boobies," he said, "What do you want?" I chuckled, looking at the guys who chuckled, "Boobies," he hummed, "You want boobies?" I asked, "Blueberries," he said making me snicker.

"Alright buddy," I said and grabbed some, putting them in a small bowl and handing them to him.

"Roar!" He yelled and ran around with the blueberries, they went all over the floor, he looked down at the trail of blueberries and dropped the plastic bowl with a huff.

"Fuck!" He said making me gasp, the guys laughed and I frowned at my nephew.
"Who taught you that?" I asked, "Vincey," He giggled.

"Vincent don't teach my nephew how to swear," I huffed, "Vincent now?" Vince hummed, "I'll call you what I like pretty boy," I huffed, before we could argue, my brother walked in, "Hey sis!" He smiled and hugged me.

"Your little man, has been a hussle! You know he opened my jumper and went, 'wow' when he looked at my boobs!" I said making him laugh.

"Gets that from me," he said and wiggled his brows at the guys who laughed, "Yeah yeah, get outta here pervert," I told him, "Only for my wife,"he said as he walked out.

I rolled my eyes and sat by Nikki who chuckled.
"Someone admires your breasts," he chuckled, "Yeah..." I sighed making them chuckle.

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