Vince Neil #36 | Starry eyes.

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Crue was out at some fancy penthouse, they were at the top as Nikki demanded to be taken to the top.
It was quite a chilly night, but that didn't stop people from going on the balcony for a fag.

Vince wasn't even trying to win the girls over tonight, can you believe that? Surprisingly, he just wanted to get drunk to the point he couldn't feel his face anymore.

However, he noticed a girl from the corner of his eye, he tried to ignore her but that wasn't working very well.

Damn it Vince, stop being a fuckin stray.

Vince sighed and looked over, she was beautiful...
Fishnet stockings, black leather shorts and a black leather corset that zipped up at the front, she was so beautiful he just wanted to hold her, or rip her clothes off, either or...

He watched her, she looked uncomfortable, shy and introverted.
In Vince's opinion, she looked like she was having a panic attack, the way she scanned the room and grabbed her hand so tight it went snow white.

Suddenly, she darted out of the room, exiting the place in a rush, shit... Vince put his glass down and jogged after her.
Watching as she made her way up to the roof.

He climbed up as well, surprisingly it was just the two of them.
"Excuse me?" Vince asked, his voice a little slurry as he spoke.

She snapped her neck to look at him, her hair swaying as she glazed at him, he walked over and she shyly put her head down.

He tilted her chin up with his thumb.
"Are you alright?" He asked softly, she slowly nodded, "What's on your mind?" He hummed, "I... Don't like... People," she quietly murmured, "Nor do I," he said and brushed his hand over her cheek, feeling how the cold skin flushed warmer, he smirked a bit.

"Come sit," he said and sat against an air conditioner, his back to the metal.
She walked over and sat next to him, his arm around her shoulder.

"The nights beautiful..." He mumbled, "Yeah... My dad used to take me star gazing when I was a little girl," she told him, "I bet he was nice," Vince smiled softly.

"He was the best..." She agreed and rested her head on his shoulder.

She seemed so safe around him... Than Vince noticed, "Shit, what's your name?" He frowned, "Y/N," she said with a small giggle.

"God I'm dumb," he chuckled, "I can tell," she joked, "Hey!" He laughed making her giggle, he lightly shoved her, "Wow," he scoffed with a shake of the head, "Oh come on, I'm amazing, face it," she said proudly, her arm around his shoulder now, "Are you?" He smirked, "More amazing then you'd ever know," she nodded.

"Prove it to me..." Vince said, staring at her lips, she looked at his, they locked eyes, silently asking the question telepathically.

Before both of them leaned in, it was soft, warm and gentle, the way Vince held her like she was fine china and the way she wrapped her arms around his shoulders made the kiss heaven.

"Starry eyes," Vince smiled as they pulled apart, "You're a dork," she said, "I know... You wanna get out of here?" Vince asked, "Desperately," she agreed.

They got up and made their ways down the hallway together.
"Hey maaaan," Nikki slurred, "Whooooos the pretty laaaaady?" Nikki hiccupped, "This is Y/N," Vince said, "Nice to meet youuu," he burped, turning his head and puking in the bin, before turning back to them like nothing happened.

"Right... We gotta go man, look after yourself buddy," Vince said and patted his shoulder, "Hah! I wont," Nikki snickered, they walked off.

"Bassists," Vince sighed, "Yeah yeah," she smiled and he lightly nudged her hip with his, she pushed him into the wall and giggled as he chased after her, drunkenly tripping over his own feet.

"Nah nah nah," she said and waved her butt at him, laughing as he only ran faster, she was tackled to the pavement, the two of them laughing their asses off, while passing people frowned.

"Fuckin idiot," Vince chuckled and kissed her a few times on the forehead, "Suck it," she smirked and they held hands as they went down the street, getting drunk together, in love.

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