Mick Mars #6 | Fired?

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Mick was on the couch watching TV when suddenly he hears the sounds of his girlfriend, also roommate, walking crying slightly, "Babe? What's wrong?" He asked from the couch, you walked over and sat beside him, "You know how I was In the hospital for medication and when I has the seizure?" You sniffled, he nodded, "I just got fired for not calling in, I literally gave them a piece of paper from my doctor telling them that I couldn't come in!" You said, he hugged you close and you sobbed into his neck.

"I understand honey... It's okay," he murmured, his grey eyes piercing into yours, "I've been working there for three years..." You mumbled, "I know... But I'll find you another job, I promise," he said and pecked your head.

"You can help us in the studio?" He smiled, "Okay..." You said, "Good," he smiled and you laid down, he joined you and groaned slightly at the back pain.

"Did you take your medicine?" You asked, "Yeah, I'm just old," he smirked making you giggle, "I know, but I love you," you smiled, "I love you too," he chuckled and rubbed your back.

"So, shall we go?" He asked, "Go where?" You hummed, "Band rehearsal!" He smiled, you nodded, you always loved watching them jam out, especially Mick on his guitar.

So you followed him to the car and he drove down the road. Everytime you drove with him the first song that came to mind was 'Kick start my heart' as he's huge on speed.

As you arrived, Tommy noticed your eyes, "You good Y/N?" He asked, "Mhm," you hummed and sat on a wheely chair.

"She got fired for the dumbest reason ever, so she's working with us now," Mick said and played with your hair.

"Really? What was the reason?" Your brother, aka the vocalist, Vince asked, "Apparently she didn't call in when she was sick and had the big seizure even as there's a form for her disability that allows her not to," Mick said with an eye roll.

"Fuck! Fuck those guys!" Vince said and walked over to hug you, you giggled and hugged him tightly.

"We boys might have to have a work with the manager, if you know what I mean?" He smirked devilishly.

And so at 3am, you guys were in the car, Tommy snuck round the bathrooms and wrote 'DICKHEAD' In red lipstick on the mirror and then they all threw eggs at the building making you laugh.

Your ex boss ran out yelling so Mick flawed it, you all laughed and you smiled brightly, "Now that was awesome!" You smiled, "Hell yeah it was!" Tommy chuckled.

"Well deserved," you said and put your hair up, "Nobody messes with my baby sis," Vince smiled and fist pumped you.

As you got home, you all laughed and plopped down on the couch.
"Man that was badass," Tommy smirked and drank some booze, "Right on man," Nikki grinned and they clicked booze bottles before chugging it down.
You sat by Mick who smiled and held your hand.

"Have you two fucked yet?" Vince asked making  you blush, Mick only smirked.
"EW! I ALOUD HER TO DATE YOUR OLD ASS! EWWWW!" Vince yelled and fake hurled making me roll my eyes.

"Eh, better boyfriend then my ex," you said leaning your head on his shoulder making him chuckle.
"Fine... Okay Mick you're a good boyfriend, but still, that's disgusting," Vince said, "You asked," Mick said in defence, "True dude," Nikki said.

Vince rolled his eyes and you giggled, "Who wants to tell crazy ex stories?" Tommy asked, and so it went on, you helped Vince share his story.

"Bro she was freaking out, like, 'how dare you! How could you be so rich but not spoil me' and I'm like, 'ew... Thank fuck she's not my sister In law," you giggled making them chuckle.

"What about you?" Mick asked you.

"Okay... So a few years ago, I was with this guy named Dylan, and he was such a douche, he literally couldn't even bother to even pretend to love me. He would stare at other women's stuff, I'm fine if you look at other women, but if you touch then it's fucked... So he then turned to me and went, 'When are you gonna get big boobs?' I was like," you said and paused to gape at them making them shake their heads in disgust.

"And Vince was next to me, he had the audacity to say it in front of my brother!" You said making them all laugh.

"And he looked at Dylan like this," you said and backed up slightly and glared as if someone touched your guitar.

"I was kinda scared, Vince you're scary when you're mad," you giggled making him chuckle.

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