Nikki Sixx #2 | Bikes.

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My hair flew in the wind as I rode my bike down the road to a record store.
The cold breeze against my face was relaxing to some degree, of course, covered by my helmet.

I parked my bike at the store and put my helmet on the handles.
My jacket hugged me close as I walked into the store.

Usually it's pretty quiet, but I heard a few guys joking around in the back.
I shrugged and looked at albums, my eyes skimming over things like Cheap Trick, Johnny Cash, Jimi Hendrix... Etc.

"Ahem," I turned and saw Nikki Sixx behind me.
"Hi... Sorry I wanted to know your name," he mumbled.

"Y/N," I smiled, he smiled back, his sunglasses covering his eyes.
"I'm -" I cut him off before he could tell me his name, "I know who you are, we ran into each other before," I smiled.

"We did?" He asked.

"Remember that time when you were in a rush and you fell on a girl, that was me..." I giggled, "Oh! Oh shoot! Yeah I'm really sorry about that," he said.

"Don't sweat it, I was mostly embarrassed to be honest," I snorted, he chuckled and I heard wolf whistling, I turned my head to see the other three.

"Wooh! Get 'em Nikki!" Vince cheered, "Oh shut up boys," Nikki said and rolled his eyes, I giggled and he sighed.

"Sorry," he smiled, "It's all good, do you always have sunglasses on?" I smiled, tapping at the frame lightly.

He smiled and bit his lip slightly before sliding them up on his head

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He smiled and bit his lip slightly before sliding them up on his head.
"I just wear them as I like the darkness," he said, "Sounds depressing," I said making him chuckle.

"But same, as you can tell," I said looking down at my all black outfit, "Looks depressing," he teased making me giggle.

"Kidding, you look great," he said, "Oh thank you... You do too," I giggled, we leaned against the shelf as we talked for a wall.

"Nikki! We're going man!" Vince called, "I'll be there!" He called over his shoulder.
"I'm sorry... I'll call you?" He asked, I smiled and grabbed his hand, writing my number down on it.

"Call me," I smiled, he grinned and walked out.

As I walked out soon after, I saw Vince gaping at my bike, "That is a nice bike..." I heard him say, "It is isn't it?" I smiled and got on it, "That's yours?" He asked, "Mhm," I smiled and put my helmet on.

"Damn, that's cool!" He said before heading to his car, I giggled at the somewhat awkward conversation before turning the bike on.

I sped off down the road and straight home.


As I watched her race off, I thought about holding her.
She looked beautiful... Am I manifesting a crush? Maybe...

"Ooh! Nikki has a crush," Tommy teased, "Shut up T-Bone," I mumbled.

Mick drove the car off and I sighed as the cool air blew my hair around.
"What's wrong man?" Vince asked, "Nothing! It's great actually," I hummed, trying not to smile.

"Oh yeah?" He asked.

I showed him my hand, "Nice! You scored," he cheered making me chuckle.


-back to main character-

I laid down on my bed, my bra discarded on the floor as I laid in a black t shirt and jeans.
Knock knock.

I groaned and got up, putting my arms around my chest and opened the front door.
"Nikki! Hi," I smiled, "Hello," he smiled, I saw the guys cheering in the car.

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang with us...?" He questioned, "Mhm! Sure, let me go change, I'll be down in 2 minutes," I promised, he beamed and ran off to the car to wait.

I went up and put my bra back on and then chucked on a black leather skirt, a Slayer shirt and marched on down.

"Damn! You really meant two minutes," Nikki said as he opened his door to let me sit in between him and Tommy.

"Yeah, of course," I said and scooted to sit next to him, "Most girls take fifty billion years," Mick said.

I giggled at his comment and rested my head on Nikki's shoulder as the car drove down the road.

"So where we goin?" I asked, "To see the fireworks," He told me.
I hummed and nodded, then the car stopped so we got out.

It was dark but street lights illuminated the area.
I sat on the ground with them and looked at the stars.

"What about you Y/N?" Vince asked, "Sorry? I wasn't listening," I said, "What memory do you have of fireworks?" He asked.

"Oh... It's embarrassing..." I sighed, "No! Go on, tell us," Tommy begged.

"Come on, Y/N! Tell us," they urged.

"Okay fine," I said.

"When I was little, I thought that the fireworks was so bright that aliens would see from out of space, and it was there sign to continue on and come down to Earth..." I blushed as I gnawed on my lip, they all laughed making me pout.

"You guys are mean!" I huffed.
Nikki chuckled and put his arm around my shoulder.
"I'll be your alien!" He smiled, "You are an alien, did you see the fireworks from above?" I smiled, he grinned and pinched my nose making me giggle, "I did, you know what I also saw?" He asked.

"What?" I smiled, "It said, 'Y/N is the most beautiful human, spare her and destroy the rest,'" he smiled, I giggled and held his hand as we looked up at the show.

"You're a dork," I told him, "I know," he smirked, I pushed him over and giggled as he dragged me down, we laid together as the colourful lights lit up the sky.

"What's your favourite colour?" He asked, "Red," I said, "Mine too," he said and put his head on my chest.

"Ahh! Nikki," Tommy moaned making them laugh, I laughed along and kicked him making him snicker.

Nikki chuckled softly and I played with his hair, "You've got nice hair," I said as I threaded my fingers through it, "Mm," he hummed, putting his leg over my lips and cuddling closer.

I giggled as his face was in my chest, "You right there?" I asked, he bit it making me gasp, "Nikki!" I whined making him chuckle, he looked up at me and kissed my cheek.

"I'm so glad I met you again, blondie," he smiled, "Shut up, I am too pom pom," I giggled.

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