Vince Neil #8 | The drummers sister.

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-main characters name is Mavis-


I squealed as I ran down the hallway with my older brother chasing after me.
I had never met the others but I know he's in a band.
"Come back here you little shit!" He yelled making me laugh, I saw the boys so I yelped, "Make way!" I yelled, they moved out of the way and I jumped down the flight of stairs and Tommy caught me as I was fiddling with the stupid door.

I giggled as he carried me by the waist.
"No!" He huffed as he placed me down.
And you're probably asking, 'why was he chasing you in the first place?'

Well, I wanted to wear this dress:

And he wasn't having any of it so I ran regardless

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And he wasn't having any of it so I ran regardless.
"Boys tell her dressing like this is unacceptable!" Tommy pouted, "I think she's hot," Vince smirked and winked at me.

"See? Thank you," I said to him and Tommy glared at him. "Oh shush, I'm a grown woman," I huffed, "Don't act like it," he said.

"AND YOU DO?!" I screamed, "Boys does he act like a grown man?!" I huffed, "Not in the slightest," Nikki said, "No fuckin way," Vince said, "Do I need to say more?" Mick shrugged.

"Hah! Haaaaah!" I yelled in his face, well... Chest.

He rolled his eyes, "Go change," he said, "No! If you had a girlfriend you would let her wear this, so I'll wear this," I said putting my hands on my waist, "But you're my little sister," he scoffed.

"Oh shut up, I got four bodyguards to protect me," I giggled making the boys chuckle as we went out together.

As we went around I giggled as Tommy walked into a poll, we all laughed and he flipped us off as he rubbed his nose.

I was struggling to walk as I was cackling and snorting like a pig making them chuckle.
"See? See what I have to work with?!" Tommy huffed.

"I like her," Vince shrugged.
"Ooh, mwah mwah mwah," I giggled and pouted up at him making him roll his eyes as we went to get food.
I sat down and giggled to myself, "What are you giggling at?" Mick asked, "Hey Tommy you remember when you had that crush?" I smiled and batted my lashes, "Don't you dare," he glared.

"So basically!" I clapped once and Tommy tried covering my mouth but I scooted closer to the boys for protection.

"When he was in year 10, I was in year 8, and I saw him running from his crush and he jumped in a dumpster bin," I cackled, "REALLY?!" Vince gasped, I nodded, "Wow Tommy," Mick chuckled making him huff.

"Oh yeah?! What about when you told me about that little crush you had in year 12?" Tommy hummed, I gasped and sat on his lap as I tried covering his mouth.

"VINCE SHE TOLD ME SHE THOUGHT YOU WERE HOT!" He yelled and I punched him on the arms making him cackle.

The boys chuckled and I flipped them off, "Yours wasn't embarrassing enough! THEY'RE NOT FUCKING HERE!" I huffed and crossed my arms.

"That's what you get for dressing like this," he said.
"Boys... My brother is so unfair, he's fine to flash the audience but me? If my clothes are just a bit tight... Nope!" I huffed and crossed my arms.

"Poor baby," Vince pouted and grabbed my cheeks, I whined making them snort as we had our food.
"You're such a child," Nikki said as I had chips with cheese, "You're such an asshole," I said and flipped him off making them laugh.

"If you had, absolutely had to date one of the boys, who would it be?" Tommy asked me, I paused and felt my face become warm.

"I mean, we already answered that..." Vince said and shot me a wink, "Really?" Tommy sighed.
I rolled my eyes, "You asked the stupid question," I said and he sighed dramatically, "Hey, what's wrong with me?" Vince asked, "Major fuck boy," Tommy said making Mick snort.

"Oh and you're not?" He asked, "Not as bad as you, right Mick?" Tommy asked, receiving a reluctant nod of the head.

"Ugh!" Vince huffed, "Well if I was dating someone I'd only have eyes for them, but I'm not so I can do whatever the fuck I want," he said making me giggle.

"If you dated my sister and cheated on her, or broke her heart, raised your hand, I would take an ironing board and iron your pubes flat, you understand me?" Tommy glared, "Fuck... Yeah..." He said, he looked at me and mouthed, 'help me' making me giggle.

"Leave him alone Tommy," I smiled.
"Yeah, Tommy," Vince huffed, "Childish," Nikki scoffed jokingly as he looked as I ate my chips, "Sorry I'm not fancy, but let me eat like a child if I want!" I huffed and Vince chuckled, "Yeah Nikki, let a girl eat what a girl wants to eat," he huffed making them laugh.

We walked around together and I giggled as Vince tripped on the curb, he turned to me and smiled shyly making me giggle as we walked across the road to the park.

As we sat at a table, Vince was beside me and traced scars on my thighs, "You having fun there?" I asked, "Yeah," he smiled up at me making me snicker.

We giggled together while the boys groaned.
"Yuck," Mick said and walked off, the other two following.
"We've been abandoned," Vince sighed, "Poor us hey?" I smiled making him chuckle.

He pouted as he saw some old scars, "Mm," he huffed and laid his head on my lap, "Again? You good there?" I smiled, "Yeah, got a problem?" He huffed making me giggle, "No, your actually warming my thigh up," I said making him smile.

I played with his hair and he bit my arm making me giggle. "No, my hair is too good for you," he huffed, "Get off my thigh then," I said, "Nooo!" He whined, "That's the rule, I must play with hair if someone uses my lap as a pillow," I pouted.

He groaned, "Fine! But be gentle..." He murmured and laid sideways, I played with his hair and smiled as he pecked my knee.

"That feels nice..." He said, "Could say the same," I agreed making him chuckle.
"Your thighs are so pretty..." He murmured and kissed my thigh, "You right there?" I giggled, "Mhm," he hummed and laid on his back, grabbing my hand and placing it on his chest as he looked into my eyes.

"You're pretty," he yawned, "So are you," I giggled, leaning down and wiggling my brows at him making him chuckle.

We giggled together before he stopped suddenly, I looked into his eyes and he played with my hair, twisting it in his fingers.

He slowly sat up, his arms resting on my thighs as he pressed his lips on mine. His eyes gooping into mine for a reaction.

I giggled flustered and he laid back down.
"So wanna bang?" He joked making me laugh.
"Tommy would bang your skull I know that," I smiled making him chuckle.

"You've got soft lips..." He said, "You do too, and pretty eyes," I said and wiggled my brows making him chuckle and do the same.

We giggled together and the guys came back.
"Good news," Vince said, "Don't tell me she's pregnant," Tommy said making them laugh.

"No, she does have nice lips though," Vince smirked making Tommy whine.
He sat up and bonked his head on the table making me cackle.

"Bitch," he snickered and rubbed his forehead making me giggle.

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