Tommy Lee #1 | Dream.

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Ive been best friends with Tommy since we were about six years old.
In fact... He didn't want to be my friend, he thought girls were yucky, but since when he was forced to come to my house with his parents, he changed his mind when he saw my records.

He's been playing drums since he was four, in fact... I have a memory of him when we first met...


*six year old us*

Mum told me we were going down to see our neighbours.
We made our way down and I held her hand as the door opened.

My father gave an award winning smile at the man who opened the door.
"Hello, we're the new neighbours," Dad smiled, "Ah yes! You're the Y/L/N's arent you?" He smiled, "Yes!" Mother smiled.

We were invited In and I saw their son looking at me strangely.
"Go run along," his mother said, "But mum! Girls are disgusting!" He whined.

The two rolled their eyes while my parents spoke. God it was boring.

I snuck out to go back home and walked across the road.

Unaware that the boy was following me.

"Hey!" I turned and there he was, the long grass coming up to his chest while it was up to my neck.

He stomped around and reached me.
"I'm bored..." He sighed, "Same, that's why I'm going home," I told him and made way to the path, stumbling and falling on the ground.

He snickered and I got up to go to my house.
I opened the door and he ran in after me.

"My dad works at a record label, so he gives me free records all the time," I told him and he looked around.

I went through albums and found 'The Who', playing an album and he walked over.

"I'm Tommy..." He mumbled, "I'm Y/N," I said.

"You're a cool girl... Friends?" He asked, I nodded.


So here I am, waiting for him to come home from band rehearsal.

I hummed a song and heard the door rattle.
I turned and he barged in, "Hey Y/N!" He smiled, "Uh," Vince groaned.

"We're going out, you coming?" He asked, I nodded and grabbed my book, running out with them to the black Pontiac waiting.

I read my book as Mick drove, "Hey Mick!" Vince called, "What?" Mick asked, "What's your type of woman?" He snickered.

"Any type with a pussy," he smirked in the rear view mirror making them all howl with laughter.

"You boys are disgusting," I said, "Oh yeah yeah," Nikki said.

"Do you guys wanna play 'Who's most likely to?'," Tommy chuckled, "Eh fuck it," I said.

"Okay, who's mostly to get a speeding ticket?" Vince asked, "What a weak question?! It's totally Mick!" Nikki said, "Ah shut up," he said making them chuckle.

"Who's most likely to get someone pregnant during a one night stand?" Nikki asked, "Mm... Tommy for sure," Vince said, "Tommy!" We all said making Tommy laugh.

"Yeah yeah, I'm laying off for a certain someone anyways," Tommy scoffed, "Ooh, who's this special lady?" Mick teased, "Someone special..." He mumbled.

"Oh~" Vince said smirking at him.

He rolled his eyes and as we got out, they asked strangers if they'd heard of them making me giggle.

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