Mick Mars #28 | One alike.

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Mick was that kind of guy, quiet, and judged you from a far.
He wasn't afraid to say it like it is, he wanted to rip your head off within a few seconds and he would gladly tell you.

She. Who's she? A girl no one in the band could get to talk to them, she wasn't easy like the groupies they were used to.

She was also a rock star, that's why they fuckin loved her so much.
Mick digged her, she was talented, quiet, calm and collected, plus she was a bad ass guitarist.

There he was, sitting in the corner, quiet among the three boys who whistled at anything on legs.

Then she walked in, leather pants, Slayer T shirt and a leather jacket.

She walked over, lazily swaying her hips.
Vince whistled making the boys turn their heads.
"Hey boys," she hummed and sat beside Mick.

"So, how's the band?" Vince asked with a smirk, "We're going good, we've got a new album coming out on the fifth," she said holding up her hand, showing five fingers.

"Really?" Nikki asked, raising his brows, "Yeah, you'll be hearing plenty more in a few days," she chuckled and played with the buckles of her heels.

"Are you ever gonna go on a date?" Tommy asked as he patted his sticks against his shoes.
"No, I don't date dummies," she smirked.

"Ooh-ooh!" They said, "Harsh!" Vince clapped with a laugh.
"What can I say? I like my men quiet, not annoying, non-fuck-boys, and respectful," she shrugged.

"Ooh! And I like them to tell you when you fucked up without being scared," she added with a smirk and a raise of the brows.

"So Mick?" Nikki asked, she turned to the guitarist who was quiet all night, he took a puff of his cigarette, looking at her from the corner of his eye, not that she could see as he was wearing Sunny's.

"Yeah, Mick," she smirked at them. He had no idea if he meant that or not.

"Ooh," They teased, hollering like teenage boys.
"What about you Mars?" Nikki snickered, clearly amused by this.

Mick leant over and squished the but of his cigarette. "Any woman with a pussy," he said making them laugh.

"You're in luck Y/N!" Vince smirked.
"Yeah, to be bad for you, any woman hoping for a guy with a dick can't have you," she sighed making them laugh, even Mick gave a heart chuckle to that.

She smirked slightly and leaned back on the couch at the diner, Mick just seemed to smirk as he tipped his head back and gulped a shot of vodka.

Nikki smirked slightly, "Come on dudes," Nikki said patting Vince and Tommy's shoulders, they walked off, catching the hint.

Mick watched them go, "You always so courageous?" He asked her.

"Courageous? I'm just stating facts, plus, I rather not wake up to bickering," she chuckled, he snorted out a laugh and smiled as he shook his head.

"A genuine Mick Mars smile... I can die happy now," she smiled, "Really?" He asked as he blew smoke from his cigarette into my face, "Yeah," she chuckled and moved her hair out of the way.

"You seem badass, kid," Mick said, "Thank you, you are too, man," she said cocky like, he chuckled, "You are one person who hasn't driven me insane, and I've known you for five years," Mick smiled.

"What can I say? I'm just THAT amazing," she hummed, wrapping an arm around his shoulder, "Admit it, I'm cooler then them," she teased, he looked at her with a raised brow, "Come on," she whined, gently shaking his shoulder, whining at this point.

He chuckled, "I'm not saying anything," he said, "Mick... You know I'm cooler," she said, "Mm?" He hummed, "Oh you tease!" She huffed and gently slapped his chest, he chuckled and grabbed a piece of her hair.

"You're one fucked up kid, kid," he smiled, "You're one fucked up man, man," she smirked, he smiled slightly, looking into her eyes, she grabbed his sunglasses and put them on his head.

"You're better looking when I can see your eyes," she told him, gently tracing his cheek with her fingers, he said nothing, just parted his lips as he looked into her eyes.

"Y/N," he started, "Mhm?" She asked as they stared into each other's eyes.
"I- fuck it," he sighed and grabbed a hold of her jaw and kissed her, she hummed in surprise before smiling and wrapping her arms around his shoulders.

"Does this make me cooler?" She smiled, "Fuck yeah," he breathed making her giggle.

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