Nikki Sixx #40 | Sweet little sister.

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Nikki sat in his car, the heater cranked up, his arms around his leather clad body as he shivered, looking around through the car windows, rain sparkled down his windows as he found it oddly relaxing, if it weren't so fucking cold.

He heard loud noises coming from a house, like yelling, followed by furnisher being thrown.
He only heard one voice, a males voice, so he assumed some dickhead was using, he simply shrugged it off, however he saw a young girl flee the house, she looked mortified, running as fast as her legs would carry her.

"What the fuck?" He whispered, seeing the man get out, sounding like an Elephant on the concrete as he too began running.

Nikki quickly turned the ignition on and hovered over to the girl who was running, "Hey, get in!" He called over the rain, the girl turned her head to him, "Who the fuck are you?" She panted, "Your fuckin hero, now get in before that asshole catches up! Hurry!" He said, looking through the rear view to see the guy was gaining, no not weight, speed.

She quickly opened the door once Nikki had stopped and jumped in, he drove her around until that guy was no longer in sight.

"Who the fuck was that?" Nikki asked as she put her seat belt on, "Step dad I guess, real prick he is," she sighed softly, "No shit, he looked like he was on something," Nikki frowned, parking under a tree.

"He's always drinking," she told him, he looked over at her and spotted a bit of blood running down her face.

"You alright?" He frowned, "Mm?" She hummed, "There's blood... Are you hurt?" He pouted, "Ugh, I guess," she frowned and turned to meet his gaze, "So, what ya doin in ya car this late?" She asked, "I'm out cruisin," he grinned, "Wish I had a license, I could live in my car all the time..." She sighed, "Not a bad idea, how old are ya?" He asked, "Thirteen, your car is so nice," she said, taking the seatbelt off so she could lean closer to the heater.

"Hey kid, what's your name?" He asked, "Y/N, why?" She asked, "You just look kinda familiar... Like, kinda like me," he said, rubbing his chin as he looked for her name in his mind.

"My brother is the only one who I really loved ya know?" She hummed, he turned to her, "He was like... Really cool, I don't remember much, I was a baby and all, but he would protect me and stuff, mum had shitty boyfriends and my brother would hold me when there were storms," she explained.

"Sounds like a cool guy," Nikki said, taking his seat belt off and leaning over the wheel.
"Yeah..." She said.

"His name was Frankie," she said, it felt like his mind said that over and over in slow motion.

Frankie was his ex name.

He had a sister named Y/N.

He blinked slowly and turned to her, "Wait... Ferrana?" He asked, "Mhm," she said, his jaw hit the floor, he looked at her in shock.

"I'm Frankie! I was! I mean I am! But I'm not!" He said and grabbed her shoulders, "Me! I'm your brother, it's me!" He said and grabbed a makeup wipe, smearing his makeup off so his face would be more recognizable under the pale white powder.

"See?! See it's me!" He said, ruffling his teased hair to make it sit properly, "Frankie..." She said in shock, he hugged her close, arms around her back as he rested his forehead against her shoulder.

"I knew you'd always save me from the storm," she smiled, "I'll always be here to save you," he smiled and looked around outside.

"You reckon it's safe to head home?" He asked, "Mhm, if it's not you can kick some ass," she smiled making him chuckle, "You make me out to be badass," he said, "You are though," she said making him smirk.

He drove them around, taking her down to his own house, it was a bit of a dump but he took her in anyways, throwing some wood in the fighter and setting it on fire.

"Sweet little sister," he smiled and sat down on the couch, the room dimly lit by the fireplace, "Move your butt so I can lay beside you, it's fuckin cold as tits," She said and laid beside him, his arms around her as they spoke together before silence...



"Hey Nik- woah-" Tommy paused as he spotted the girl beside him.

He walked around and poked her cheek, she looked up and yelped, falling on the floor from shock.

"Ow," she said and rubbed her head, Nikki sat up and saw Tommy there, "Shit dude! Gave me a fuckin heart attack!" He sighed and gently slapped Tommy's shoulder.

"Who's that?" Tommy asked, pointing at Y/N.

"That's my sister," Nikki said, "Oh, cool!" Tommy said and ruffled her hair, "Hi," she said and rubbed her tired eyes.

"So, what ya doin?" Tommy asked, "We WERE sleeping," Nikki scoffed, "I wonder who interrupted that..." Tommy smirked, "Oh, some guy with brown hair," Nikki hummed making him chuckle.

"Anyways dude, I had to tell ya last night was wild! So Vince was-" he paused as he saw Y/N looking at him, "How old is she?" He whispered, "13," Nikki scoffed.

"Right, anyways!" Tommy said, "So Vince was fuckin this girl and then she just fuckin faints right, so he doesn't know what to do and he just fucking cums all over her back!" Tommy laughed.

"How do you know?" Y/N asked, "Um, bros before hoes," Tommy said, "You watch each other fuck?" She frowned, "Not pleasing, let me tell ya," Nikki shivered, "Yuck... No wonder you guys have tiny-" she was cut off when Nikki put his hand around her mouth, she huffed and licked at his hand, "Yeah yeah, we get it," she sighed.

"Anyways man, I'mma dip, I'm hungry, peace out," Tommy said, "Bye..." Nikki said, as Tommy locked the front door behind him, Nikki quickly laid back down, "Fuck drummers, man," he sighed, "Nikki, I don't want to fuck drummers," Y/N said, "You aren't fuckin anyone, ya little skank," he hissed making her chuckle.

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