Vince Neil #50 | Bells.

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"Just relax," her friend kept telling her, she was being squeezed (she thought to death) and that wasn't helping her stay calm at all. She had the corset around her waist and it's was tugging tightly at her stomach which made her groan.

Eventually it was perfect, it didn't look too different from her original waist which kind of annoyed her for having to be strangled at the waist.

She looked in the mirror and played with the head-piece in awe, smiling as this was her big day, the day she'd finally marry that blonde rocker.

"Ready to go?" Her friend asked, she nodded and left the room, her father met up with her and she grabbed hold of his arm, walking with him down the aisle.

Vince had his back turned and the others of his band had their mouths wide open in shock, she was beautiful.

She gently tapped his shoulder, he turned and looked at her in awe, "Wow... can't believe I've gotta wait to kiss you," Vince smiled making her giggle a little as she looked up at him in the alter.

They repeated after the priest and at last- it was finally time to kiss.
"Rocker, you may now kiss the bride," he said, Vince smiled and took her veil off, grabbing her waist and dipping her as he kissed her softly.

The audience cheered and clapped, a few were in tears as they sniffled and looked on in awe.

Mick simply chuckled a little- that girl up there was their biggest fan when they first started out, gave them tickets to any show they wanted and even bought them new equipment and let them live with her until they were good.

"I- wow..." Vince muttered as he held her hand, she smiled and nodded at the aisle, "Come on," she smiled and ran down the aisle with him, they giggled together and she jumped into his car.

"What ya say we start this honeymoon early hot stuff?" Vince asked as he got in the car, "I'd love nothing more," she giggled making him smirk as he drove down the road.

Newly weds...

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