Mick Mars #29 | Chords.

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Swaying her hips to the song she sang in her head, she put the cookies in the oven, squealing as she felt arms around her waist, relaxing when she knew it was just her husband.

"Micky, you scared me," she giggled, turning around and hugging him, "Mm," he hummed, "Wakey wakey," she giggled, "Fuck the morning," he grumbled.

"No, coffee?" She smiled, "Yes please," he sighed, she kissed his cheek and he slapped his lips together, "Bad breath, don't kiss," he warned.

She kissed him anyways and giggled, "I love you Micky Marsy," she smiled, "I love you too alien wife," he smirked, she giggled and he sat down at the dining table, he had a special chair which had a softer back then the others, for his back.

She walked in with the coffee and sat it down for him, "Thanks honey," he said, "Mhm, anything for my handsome geetar boy," she chuckled, he rolled his eyes, "You're a dork, you know that?" He asked.

"Hey, you said you'd teach me," she said, "Forgot about that..." He sighed and rubbed his eyes, "Fine, soon, let me wake up first," he grumbled.

She chuckled and as the timer went off, she went over and grabbed it, turning it off before grabbing the cookies.

"Aww man, bubby my favourite one died..." She pouted, "Oh well," he shrugged, she gave him a sad little pout and walked over, showing him the depressed looking attempt at a love heart.

"I tried to make a heart for you..." She pouted, sniffling slightly, he looked her, oh my god this dork is actually crying he thought.

"Ugh... Baby it's fine," he sighed and patted her back, he ate it and hummed, they were the most delicious he'd ever eaten.

"Mm, fuck the heart. That tastes amazing," he said in shock, "Really?" She gasped, "Yeah, fuck that's good," he moaned as he ate it.

She squealed happily and got the rest of the cookies, putting them on a plate and putting them in the table for them to share.

They ate them together and she giggled as he proudly put his hand on her lap, he always did that if he wanted to let someone know she was his.

In fact, the day they started dating, seven years ago, he held onto her thigh and the boys immediately knew not to fuck with her.

Quite literally. No fucking the Mars wife.

"I love you," she said, "I love you too Mrs. Mars," he said, "Mrs. Deal Mars," she giggled, "Oh shut up," he smirked, "Kiss my ass," she said, "Mm, I'd rather not," he chuckled making her laugh.

"I love you so much!" She giggled, "I love you too," he chuckled.

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