Tommy Lee #17 | Missing you.

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Tommy sighed, resting his head on the wall as he sat in the backstage room.
He missed his friend, she had to stay behind for school, she tried to go with but they forced her to stay and study as it's her dream to get a bachelor's in music.

"Don't worry kid, you'll see her soon," Mick said as he lit a cigarette, "Mhm..." He pouted.
Truth is, he has a crush on her, but he's never told anyone, he only trusts Mick to keep his mouth shut about it.

"You fancy her don't you?" Mick asked quietly and sat beside him, "Mm, that obvious?" He questioned, "A little, but those idiots, I doubt they know," Mick chuckled, he snorted and grabbed a cigarette from his pocket, Mick lit for him and they both took a puff at the same time.

"I miss her," he said, "I know bro," Mick said as he lazily let the cigarette line his lips.

"It would never work anyways," Tommy sighed sadly, "Why do you say that?" Mick hummed, "Well, we're always on tour and she has studies," he sighed.

"She graduates in two weeks Tom," he said, "Meaning she can tag along," Mick said nudging his arm, "Just a little patience," Mick said, "Don't start quoting Guns N Roses!" Tommy groaned making him snicker and walk off.

Tour was ending in two weeks, so Tommy was sad he couldn't watch her graduate...
He had been by her side every step of the way, when she got into the uni he through her in his arms and celebrated with her.

But, all good things must come to an end...

Tommy squirmed in his airplane seat as they were going back home.
Finally, he gets to meet his friend again, oh to see her beautiful eyes shine in the sun...

"You excited?" Vince chuckled, "Yep!" Tommy said nodding and patting the arm rest on the airplane, "You look it," Nikki snickered.

"I'm hyped guys!" He said, Mick chuckled and went back to writing down some ideas for their new songs and albums.

The plane soared down wards as they were landing.
They finally stumbled out, Tommy first of course.
"HURRY UP!" He screamed and ran inside and grabbed his luggage, they caught up and he jumped up and down as they waited on their taxi.

"God you're crazy," Vince said looking at the energy he had. "SHHH!" He hissed and they threw their stuff in and sat in the car.

As they got out, they relaxed, except for Tommy.

He ran down the road and to the park, cherry blossoms blooming. He stood under the tree waiting for her.

"Tommy?!" He turned and there she was.
"Tiny!" He squealed, holding his arms open, she ran over and jumped into his arms.

"I graduated Tommy! I did it!" She smiled brightly, "That's incredible!" He exclaimed and swayed her in his arms.

"How was tour?" She asked, brushing his hair out of his face, "It was good, but I missed you," he pouted, "I missed you too," she giggled and poked his nose.

"Look, ready to see this cool shit?" She smiled, she jumped down and in her backpack she pulled out a framed diploma.

"I'm so happy!" She giggled, he smiled and hugged her close. "I'm so proud of you baby," he murmured, she felt her face heat up at the nickname, "Oh please! You're a crazy cool rock star traveling the world!" She smiled brightly, "Yeah, but this is your turn to shine," he said, "Miss," he bowed with a smirk making her giggle.

They held hands as they walked back and as he opened the door, they all waved at her who giggled.
"I graduated! Hell yeah!" She said, "Woooh!" They cheered, Mick ruffled her hair up proudly while Vince and Nikki got out Jack Daniels.

"Chug it!" They changed, "I don't know if I should... It's been a while since I've had alcohol," she said nervously, gnawing on her lips and frowning at the bottle.

"Oh please?" Nikki pouted and batted his eye lashes, Tommy did it too making her sigh.
"What the heck right?" She asked taking the cork out.

She chugged it making them cheered, "WOOT WOOT! GO TINY!" Tommy cheered, she stuck her tongue out as she downed the whole entire bottle.

"That's my girl!" Tommy said and high fived her, "This hangover I'm gonna have in the morning better be worth it," she chuckled, "It will be," Tommy smiled and kissed her head.

At the end of the night, they were all drunk.
Tommy giggled with her and they walked up to his room.
"I missed... You... 'Dinkin a lot... Lately, miss ouuu, so mushhh..." He slurred and held her close, "Missed you too Tom..." She hummed.

He kissed her softly and they fell on the bed.
"You so... Bootiful..." He said, "Mm... Wanna... Be your.... Man...." He hiccupped, "Wanna be... Your girl.... Too, Tommy," she hummed.

They kissed once more, soft and slow as they wrapped their arms among each other.
Then they blacked out.

The next morning she groaned, feeling a head resting on her chest, her eyes widened and she looked down, calming down once she realized it was Tommy.

"Oh thank fuck..." She sighed, "What? Expecting someone else?" He groaned, "Jesus fuck, how bad did we drink last night?" She whined, "You chugged a whole bottle of Jack babe," he said.

"Babe?" She asked, he blushed and rested his chin between her boobies (hehe) and looked up at her, "Mhm, I've had a crush on you for years.... I'm so happy you graduated because now you get to tour with us... Fuck, it's more then a crush! I'm in love with you..." He sighed.

"Really?" She blushed, he nodded, "I love you too, you idiot," she smirked, he huffed and bit down on her left tit making her gasp and laugh, "Hey!" She laughed, "That's what you get, there mine now," he smirked.

"You're a dirty perv," she said playing with his hair.
"You love me," he said kissing her softly.

"Sadly, I love you so much drummy," she smiled, "I love you too baby," he sighed.

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