Tommy Lee #34 | I do it for you...

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-Cancer warning! No deaths at all, actually kinda sweet.
It mentions hair falling out and getting ill-.

Her hair was her everything... She looked beautiful with hair... She felt beautiful...
Now it's falling out in clumps.

That's how Tommy saw her, a beautiful goddess, he was worried for her all day because he was at work in the studio.

However, when the clock striked six, he ran out.
Not giving them an explanation, he just went, Mick understood though.

Mick was one of the first she told.

As Tommy got home, he heard crying, he quickly ran upstairs, hearing it from the bathroom.
"Baby can I come in?" Tommy asked softly, "No! I'm hideous!" She sobbed.

"No you're not baby girl, I'll love you no matter what," Tommy sighed, she hummed slightly and he walked in, seeing her in the corner, pale, her face sunken in and her hair everywhere on the floor.

"Oh my sweet..." Tommy sighed softly, he held her close and she sobbed into his chest.
"I'm so ugly," she sobbed, "No you're not, you'll always be my beautiful girl," he said softly.

"Why? Why don't you cheat on me with someone hotter?" She sniffled, "Because there's no such thing, you're the hottest," he said, "Now give me a sexy smile, or else," he said, "Or else what?" She asked wiping her tears, "Or else I'll tickle you!" He roared, she giggled making him smile.

"I can shave it for you, if you like?" He asked softly, she nodded, he got out his razor and gave her a seat, "You ready?" He asked making her look at the mirror, she nodded and he started shaving, he was slow so she could watch it go.

He put it down and hugged her from behind, kissing her head gently, "I love you so much," he said, "I don't care how sick you get, I'm always gonna be here, forever and always," He murmured.

She smiled up at him, slowly standing, she was weak on her feet but she managed to hug him.

"I love you so much Tommy," she murmured, "I love you too baby," he said and picked her up, she squeaked making him chuckle.

"My hot stuff," he said, "My good looking," she giggled and kissed him.

Weeks passed and she looked in the mirror, few strands were growing back, maybe she was getting better?

Tommy kept making sure she took her meds, he gave her her treatment and every night, he tucked her in.

However... He did something for her.

He shaved the sides of his head, she giggled as she played with the smaller hair, "I did it just for you," he smiled softly, "I love you," she said tearing up as she hugged him, "I love you too," he chuckled.

One hear later...

"Y/N!" Nikki yelled and ran up to her, spinning her around making her laugh.
She had a pixie cut and she was looking healthy again.

"I missed you! You look great!" He smiled, "Thank you, I missed you guys too!" She smiled.

They all sat down and Vince played with her soft short hair.
"I'm glad you're okay," Vince smiled, "I don't think I would be if Tommy wasn't there, how many times did I forget my meds and get a scolding?" She giggled.

"A thousand times," Tommy said making her smile.
Mick just patted her hand in sympathy, smiling as she smiled up at him.

"Although, I don't miss how dumb you guys are," she said, "Hey!" Nikki yelled making her laugh.

Tommy kissed her cheek and smiled at her.
"I love you," he said, "I love you too, sometimes," she said smiling, he gasped making her laugh.

"Kidding," she smiled and held his hand.

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