Vince Neil #7 | Deep breaths, sweetheart.

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-main character is a girl named Raven, which is reader,-
-kinda sad but it's wholesome towards the end-


I tried my best to barge through the amount of people who were at the party.
My eyes scanning for a phone, then I found one.

I needed to call my dad.
I called the number and silently prayed he would hurry up and pick up.

As someone picked up, it wasn't my father.
"Who's this?" A woman asked, "My name is Raven, I was trying to call my father?" I asked confused.

"Oh... Honey I'm... I'm so sorry!" She said sounding really worried, "What...?" I asked frowning.

"Your mother and father were in this hospital yesterday, they died tragically in an accident... I'm so sorry..." She said, I hung up, no... This is not happening to me.

It can't be...

I rushed through everyone and made way to a phone.
This is not happening to me!
I'm not drunk... I'm not imagining...

I found a bench outside and barely made it as I collapsed, I broke down in tears, not even bothering to check if anyone was out here.

"Hey... Doll?" I looked up and saw the most handsome blond man I've ever seen.
"What's the matter?" He asked frowning softly.

Holy fuck that's Vince Neil.
I pouted and tried to stop crying.
He sat beside me and rubbed my back.
"My mum and dad are dead..." I choked out.

"Oh... Oh honey..." He said and put a hand to his mouth in shock. "I'm so sorry, do you want a hug?" He asked, I plunged into his arms, crying into his neck as he massaged my back.

"Shhh, I know baby... I know it hurts," he mumbled into my hair.
"Why did... *hicc* they leave me...?" I sobbed, "I don't know sweetie... They're watching over you, I promise," he said softly.

"You're real sweet..." I mumbled as I slowly calmed down a bit, "I try to be..." He chuckled softly and rubbed my back, "I remember you... Really lady pleaser arent you?" I chuckled softly, he snorted and shook his head slowly, "So you know the band?" He asked, I nodded.

"So what's your name gorgeous?" He asked, "I'm Raven," I said and he wiped my tears away, "Raven, what a pretty name," he said as he sat back slightly and smiled at me.

I smiled a bit and held his thumb in my hand, leaning my cheek on his shoulder.
"Yo Vin-" Tommy paused as he saw me.
"Again?" He groaned, "Tommy ease it down bud, this time it's different," Vince sighed as he held me closer.

"Different? And what you're gonna fuck her?" Tommy scoffed, "No! Tommy stop it! Have a bit of decency in your fucking head! Her parents just died alright?!" Vince yelled, the man paused and realized he fucked up.

" I am so sorry," he said looking at me, "It's okay," I smiled, "Oh man..." He said putting his hands in his hair.

"I'm really sorry girl... Like... I've had a few-" he said and chuckled slightly, I giggled and then Mick pushed a stumbling Nikki out.

"Oh... Who's this?" He asked, "This is Raven, no I'm not fucking her," Vince said and rubbed my shoulder.

"Are you okay with these guys?" He whispered in my ear, I nodded and he rubbed the side of my thigh as I sat sideways.

"I like how that's how you introduce her," Tommy chuckled and they sat down across from us, he snorted and I giggled as I realized.

"This is Vince, and no I'm not fucking him!" I said making them laugh.
He chuckled and patted my leg gently.

He kissed my forehead gently and rubbed my thigh with his thumb.
"Ew," Nikki slurred making you snort, "Sorry," I said and giggled into Vince's shoulder, they chuckled and I took in a breath.

"Ew, as if he has never touched a woman's thigh, mhmmmm," I hummed making Vince laugh.
He laid me down over his lap and rubbed my tummy as I giggled up at him.

I bit my lip and wiggled my brows making him chuckle.
"I love how you stay happy, it's truly inspiring," he said as he held my hand.
I smiled a bit and sat up, "Oh- oh wait this is wrong-" I said as I was on his lap, they chuckled and he put his arms around my waist, "You're so strong sweetheart... They love you..." He whispered against my ear, I shivered slightly and held his hand, squeezing it gently, "So what brings you out here?" Mick asked, "Long story..." I said and Vince sighed softly, his chin resting on my shoulder.

"My parents got in an accident and I just found out- and they're gone... So," I mumbled and pursed my lips, nodding once as I tried not to cry.

"Oh fuck- I'm so fucking sorry," Mick said, Nikki was on the floor fucked up, "Fuck... Bassists.." Mick sighed, "No thanks, not my type," I giggled and tears fell down my eyes.

"That was awful," he chuckled making me giggle, Vince wiped my tears away and kissed my cheek.
"Vocalists are hotter," he said, I giggled as he smirked, "Are they?" I smiled and played with his hair, "Yeah," he wiggled his brows.

"Name me one," I said, "Vince Neil," he said.
"Can I call you Vincent?" I asked, "Not unless you're asking for an answer," he smirked, I giggled and his hands tapped my legs gently.

"Vincey Wincey, Blondie, Denim, Leather," I said trying to get an answer.
"Barbie doll," I said and he started tickling me making me laugh.
"Help!" I cackled while Mick rolled his eyes, "I'm good," he said and Tommy lit a cigarette, "Fire safety," he said showing it.

I pouted and Vince chuckled and stopped.
"You should smile more," he said and put my hair up, "Okay Blondie," I smiled, "Shut up before I don't stop," he said.

"Ooh don't stop, ooh," I smirked, "Oh shut up," he chuckled and gently slapped my thigh making me giggle.

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