Tommy Lee #11 | Beautiful angel.

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Tommy was with the boys, being interviewed outside the venue where Nikki stole the guys hat and tie.

"You're too formal," He said, "You guys aren't the foggiest on formal," the interviewer said making them laugh.

Tommy looked around and spotted a girl walking slowly, she was holding her chest and by the looks of things struggling to breathe.

He ran over and held her hand. "Hello," he said softly, she looked up at him, she was having a panic attack.

"Look around, tell me things you see until you calm down," he said rubbing her waist gently, "Sky... Trees... La-lake... You... The.. The... The..." She struggled to get her words out, "The band?" He asked, "Camera..." She said, he held her close and she clung to his chest, resting her head on the under side as she was short.

"It's okay... Deep breaths..." He said softly, "Mm..." She hummed, "You got this," he smiled, "You can do this, I believe in you honey," he hummed and rocked side to side with her in his arms.

"Tommy! What gives man?" Vince called, "Just wait a minute!" Tommy called.
"You alright?" He asked, "What brought that on?" He asked softly. "People...* she mumbled.

"Panic attacks aren't fun," he said and tucked her hair behind her ear.
"I gotta go... Meet me at the dock? At 7," he said, "That one?" She asked pointing, he nodded, "Okay," she said.

"Remember the technique I taught you," he smiled, she hugged him, "Thank you Tommy," she smiled and kissed his cheek, "Any time," he smiled and waved.

He jogged over. "What happened there?" Nikki asked, "She was having a panic attack," Tommy said, "Those aren't fun," Vince said, "Nah they suck," Tommy agreed.

The guys made way to the backstage room, Tommy kept an eye on the clock.
"What are you waiting for?" Nikki asked, "Going to meet the girl at the dock," Tommy said, "Ooh," they cooed, "Yeah yeah," he huffed and made way.

He saw the girl sitting at the edge, her hair undone and on her shoulders, a black skirt on and a red shirt.

"Hi," he said as he sat beside her, "Hello," she said as he gently rested his hand on her thigh. "Is this okay?" He asked, she smiled and nodded.

"You're really sweet," she said, "That's called being a gentleman," he smiled and did a silly face making her giggle.

"You're funny," she smiled and he chuckled, kissing her cheek, "Kissed ya, no returns," he said, she kissed his cheek making him huff, they kept trying to kiss each other last.

They missed and kissed on the lips. She blushed and covered her face making him chuckle. "Well that was nice," he smirked as he rubbed her thigh, "Mm!" She squealed making him chuckle.

"I know I'm hot," he scoffed and did a dramatic hair flip making her giggle.
She got his cheek, "Careful, or I'll have to kiss you again," he smirked, "Go ahead, catch me if you can!" She giggled and ran around, "Come back here!" He called and ran after her, she giggled and he caught her, well, fell on her.

He chuckled and grabbed her face, kissing her softly.
"Got ya," he smiled, she got him back, "Got ya!" She giggled.

It felt like a make out as they kept trying to kiss each other last.
At some stage it was a make out, Tommy put a hand under her back and the other behind her head as they kissed slowly.

"Let's call it even..." He said, "Mhm..." She blushed and he rolled off of her.
She giggled as he held her hand.

"What?" He smiled, "You know I had the biggest celebrity crush on you..." She said, "Dream come true for you," he said, "Hey! That rhymed!" She said happily, he chuckled and kissed her once more, "You're adorable," he smiled.

"You're really old..." She joked, "How old are you?" He huffed, "A year younger," she giggled, "Then I'm not old!" He pouted making her giggle.

She poked his nose making her giggle. "Weirdo," he smiled and helped her up.
"You got dirt," he said and patted her down, his hands lasting a bit longer on her behind making her laugh.

She slapped his butt and he got her back 10x harder.
She whined and rubbed her butt making him chuckle. "You owe me, pick me up my trusty steed," she said making him laugh.

He knelt down and picked her up bridal style, holding her skirt so no one could see up it.
"You're so beautiful," he said, "Stop it!" She whined, "But it's true!" He exclaimed, "Well you're handsome," she said and gently scratched his cheek making him smile.

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