Tommy Lee #2 | Clumsy?

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Your eyes locked on your books in your locker, all your stuff was there thankfully.

You took your cooking text book for the recipes and made way to the kitchen down at the end of the school.

Making your way however, a tall guy with brown hair collided with you, he fell on top of you, skinning your soft knees and sides of the thighs on the ground.

"Oh, man... I'm so sorry," he sighed and helped you up, picking up your books, "It's okay..." You murmured.

"Oh shit, I'm really sorry," he said as he saw your injuries, you smiled a bit and made way to the cooking room.

He followed along side you and as he opened the door, he let you in first.
You walked in and thanked him and sat at the round table where you all sat at the start of class to discuss dishes.

He walked to the sink, grabbed paper towels and wet them a little before walking back over, holding it on your knee gently, it was quite soothing actually.

You wrote down some extra notes and he made you stay with him for a little longer so he could clean off your skin.

He was gentle and looked to be really upset about hurting you, but you appreciated his care none the less.

"Okay, let's go," you said as it was done, he threw it in the bin and followed you to a counter.

You guys had to wear hair nets.
"Seriously?" Tommy sighed, "Yes seriously," you whined as well and grabbed a hair net, he put one on and you giggled, "I'm confused, help me," you giggled as you had no hair tye, he put your hair up with his hair tye and then put the net on your head.

You looked each other and snorted.
"You look bloody fabulous," you grinned, "As do you," he chuckled and you went to get the ingredients.

"You're doing the eggs, I hate eggs, make me feel sick," you said, he cracked the eggs and put them into a bowl all while you peeled the apples.

"We need a second bowl," he said, you knelt down and opened the doors, copping yourself in the nose, "Ow," you said and held onto your nose.

"Show me," he said gently grabbing your wrists, you moved your hands and blood went everywhere.

He got a napkin and held it against your nose.
"Why are you so clumsy?" He smiled, "I don't know," you giggled and felt light headed.

"Go sit down, you look like you're about to faint," he said, you walked to your seat and as the bleeding stopped, you took it away and cleaned your nose up before washing your hands and getting back to the cooking.

"Pancakes," you said in a weird voice and flipped the pancake, it fell apart and the two of you laughed hysterically.

"You're great, I've never really hung out with you before," He smiled, you smiled back and handed him a pancake, "You're great too," you smiled and went on your tippy toes to try and look taller then him.

"Yeah yeah, good luck with that," he smirked making you snicker.

As your meal was done, you walked to the counter and sat together while everyone else was still making theirs.

"That's gonna hurt in the shower," He said as he put your legs over his lap, "No I like the stinging feeling," you stated.

"Pain kink?!" He asked making you laugh.
The two of you are graduating this year and every time you think about it, it makes you old, especially with your little brother always reminding you.

Your way to the hall was short as you collected your math book.

Tommy leaned against your locker making you jump as you turned to see him, "Jesus," you sighed and put your hand on his chest and gently punched his jaw making him chuckle.

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