Nikki Sixx #16 | Cars.

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The boys had busted Mick's ride and so he wouldn't kill them, they took it down to a mechanic shop before he could find out.

"He's gonna kill us!" Tommy said, "He won't if he doesn't find out!" Nikki said as Vince flawed it and drove into the mechanic.

He drove inside and out walked a lady, she had dark long hair and pretty eyes.
"Hey..." Vince said looking at the guys, "This is unusual..." He said.

They watched as she fixed a broken brake band. The old man thanked her and drove out good as new.

"Damn," Nikki said watching as she swayed her hips, walking over to the counter.
He got out of the car and jogged over. "Excuse me miss," he said, she turned and hummed, smiling up at him.

"Ugh... We fucked our friends car up and we wanted to know if you could ugh... Check her out?" Nikki asked hopefully, "He'd kill you wouldn't he?" She smiled, he chuckled and nodded.

"I seen you guys around, you're good," she smiled, "Oh... Oh thank you," he said, shocked that such a beauty was a fan.

She nodded and walked over to the car.
She inspected the car and noticed an oil leak.
"Corvette Stingray... Ugh, such a beautiful car," she said as she changed the cars oil.

"Yeah you are... I mean, yeah it is," Nikki said and blushed as the guys cackled at him.
"Shut up," he glared, they whistled at him and clapped while they laughed.

He grumbled making her giggle. "You're not bad yourself bassist," she smiled, "Bassist? You sound like Mick," he sighed, "Oh pooey," she grinned and hummed.

"Okay, give her a rev," she said, Vince turned the car on and pressed down on the accelerator, "That's what's wrong!" She said, he turned the car off and she walked over to the counter.

"Hey tall boy! Care to give me a hand?" She called, he walked over and she pointed at the serpentine belts.

He grabbed them down and she took it over.
She hummed a song as she fixed it.

"There you go, crank her up again," She smiled, as Vince did, it sounded good as new.
"Gee... Thanks... How much will it be?" Nikki asked getting his wallet, "Oh no, I insist, it's an honor," she smiled, he grinned and took her hand in his, pressing a kiss to it.

"Thank you, it means a lot, when do you get off shift?" He asked, "Three hours," she said as another car rolled in.

"Well, have fun," he smiled, "I'll see you after your shift," he whispered in her ear, she nodded and waved as they drove out.

She went over and helped her boss set the jack and she took off the tire and began to replace it.

For the rest of her shift, she was sweating and groaning as it hurt to be on her feet so much.
She went over to the counter and sat down as her shift just ended.

She took her boots off and sighed dramatically.
"Hard days work?" She turned and smiled as she saw Nikki, "Yep!" She smiled, he walked over to her and sat beside her.

"Did Mick find out?" She asked, "He already knew, he said he heard it coughing and spluttering the day we stole it, so when we came back he was like, 'You fixed her, finally,'," He chuckled.

She laughed and grabbed a bag behind the counter. "You good to cover for me so I can change? If anyone walks in tell 'em were closed," she said, he hummed so she jumped behind the counter.
"You're gonna change there?" He asked, "Why? Wanna watch?" She winked, he blushed bright red and glared making her giggle.

"I'm offering, I know you're a perv," she smirked, "Hey! I'm not a perv, but I will watch," he said making her laugh.

She unbuttoned her work uniform and winked at Nikki who huffed.
"You're so red," she giggled, "Am I getting you all hot and bothered?" She giggled, he huffed again making her snicker.

She started to take the jumpsuit off and was left in her black bra and underwear.
"Heh, like the view?" She giggled, "Shit yeah," he said eyeing her off.

She giggled and stuck her tongue out at him, "Dirty old man," she smirked, "I'm through with you," he said as he jumped over and shut the blinds, locking the door.

She blushed and he walked over. "Not so big mouth now are you?" He smirked against her mouth, "Bite me," she smirked, he chuckled and nipped her bottom lip before kissing her.

Fireworks, that's what it was.
She wrapped her arms around him and giggled. "I'm practically naked," she said, "Not yet," he grinned and unhooked her bra making her gasp.

"I'm far from done with you... My time to fix you," he whispered in her ear.

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