Vince Neil #28 | Lonely bridesmaid.

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Here I am again, feeling lonely, on display and uncomfortable as I stood beside the other bridesmaids who were all happy to be here.

I put on a fake smile, trying not to show how bored and uninterested I looked.
As they kissed, everyone clapped and cheered.

Finally, it was just partying, I quickly rushed outside and sat at the bottom of the stairs, breathing deeply to calm down.

'It's okay Y/N...calm down...'

I really gotta work on my anxiety. "Hey..."

I turned my head and Vince walked over, I had met the band a few years ago, we weren't really close but I guess we were friends.

He sat beside me.
"Are you alright?" He asked placing a hand on my bare shoulder, "Yeah... Just... Lot of people," I fake laughed.

"I get it..." He sighed and gently rubbed my shoulder, "You looked sad up there," he said, "I mean... It's, don't get me wrong, I'm happy for them... But I don't get the point... Why is it such a big deal?" I asked turning to him.

"I guess... Commitment? I don't know," he sighed, moving my hair out of my face.

"I'm not jealous... I think? I mean... I'm jealous people get happy over little things..." I confessed and he smiled a bit.

"I get it dude, lovey dovey shit is just..." He said and rolled his eyes, sticking his tongue out and making a groaning sound making me laugh.

"You know? It's much better to just fall in love and be happy then to be all clingy," he said and moved my hair out of my face.

"Vince?" I asked, "Mm?" He yawned, "Can we go now?" I asked, he smiled and nodded, he helped me up and took me to his car.

He picked me up bridal style making me squeal in surprise.
"Let's get hitched!" He said smiling at me making me giggle, "You're a dork Vinny," I smiled and played with his hair, he smirked and put me in the car.

"I'm sure," he said making me chuckle.

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