Tommy Lee #37 | Purple Rain.

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Soft tears mixed under the rain, she sat on the footpath, the street lamp illuminating her features as she stared into the night sky.

After years of commitment, her boyfriend had gone and punched her, breaking up with her and calling her all the names under the sun.

Now she sat there on the floor with a bleeding nose and looking like a baby.

Purple Rain... The rain is blood, the sky is blue (apparently that's what the song represents).

She saw a familiar house, the lights turned on, she saw the blinds roll up and saw... Tommy Fucking Lee.

Her best friend from high school.

"Y/N?!" He barked, he closed the window and ran out, collecting her in his arms, "What the fuck are you doing out here kid?" He asked, "Mm.." She whimpered, "Let's get you inside," he said and lead her inside.

He was so gentle as he closed the front door.
"Woah..." Vince said peaking his head in.

"This is Y/N... My best friend from high school, come on girl," Tommy said and lead her to the bathroom, mold was all up the wall, "It's... It's not much... Oh come on, it's a dump, but um... You can clean up in here, I'll go get you a shirt," he said.

She sat on the bench and waited for him to come back.
He jogged in, carrying a very baggy black shirt, "This comes up to my upper thigh so it'll be down to the floor on you," he teased, she giggled and he smiled a bit.

"Go have a shower," he said and passed the white towel as well, "Thank you Tommy," she smiled, "You're welcome Y/N," he smiled and walked out.

"Oh, don't worry, Vince won't try and perve on you, I'll keep my eyes on him," Tommy smiled, she nodded and he closed the door behind him, jogging down stairs and talking with the boys.

"What happened to her?" Mick asked, "Don't know..." Tommy frowned, "She looked real hurt, physically sure but mentally she looked crushed man," Vince said as he played with his hair.

"I know, I wonder what happened," Tommy sighed.

She got out of the shower, slipping on the used underwear and cringing at the feeling before putting on the baggy black shirt that went to her knees.

She went down stairs, looking much better than before.
"You good?" Tommy asked, scooting over and putting his arm around her waist, she nodded.

"What happened?" Nikki asked, somewhat out of it from being drunk.
"My boyfriend, well ex, dumped me and punched me in the face," she said, "What?!" Tommy barked.

"Tommy, relax," she said, playing with his fingers.
"The fuck do you mean relax, you're my best friend! I'm not gonna let that fuck face hurt you and get away with it!" Tommy scoffed.

"Tommy, you'll hurt me too if you get hurt, think about it," she smiled, "You're so cheesy, just like old times," he smiled, she giggled and played with his chocolate brown hair.

"You look like shit," Vince told Nikki, "Aww, that's such a nice thing to say!" Y/N said sarcastically making them laugh.

"Thanks barf head," Nikki said lightly punching Vince on the shoulder.
The band mates chuckled together, meanwhile Y/N stared up at Tommy.

"I love you Tomster," she smiled, "I love you too, zucchini," he said, "Zucchini?" She frowned, he cackled making her roll her eyes, "Men," she smiled.

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