Mick Mars #3 | Period...?

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You hadn't had you period in about two months.
You got worried. Why aren't you having your period?

When was the last time...


You paused at the thought, could you be pregnant?

You made way to the bathroom and... You know.

After that you waited a while, sighing as it was taking forever.

"I can take forever, if I hold my breath," you sang a random tune, "Ooh, I'm gonna use that," you said as you wrote it down.

"Two music lovers loving together?" Mick smirked as he kissed you softly.
"Better then me hating rock n roll hey?" You smiled and tossed your arms around his shoulders.

"Baby we wouldn't even get passed the first date," he smirked making you giggle.
"I love you," you smiled, "I love you too," he said.

You went to the bathroom and saw three, yes three..

Tests on the counter.

All positive.

"Babe!" You called, he walked in and saw the lines.

"Oh my god! You're pregnant?!" He exclaimed, you nodded.

"Yeeeee!" He squealed and jumped around, you had never seen him like that but it's cute!

You giggled, trust me, everyone heard the news.

"Vince!" He exclaimed as he picked up the phone, "Ugh... What?" Vince asked on the other line.

"Y/N IS PREGNANT!" He yelled, "OH MY GOD! CONGRATS GUYS!" Vince said sounding excited as well.

For the whole pregnancy, that goof ball was so clingy and excited.

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