Tommy Lee #40 | Drummer Magazine.

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"Yeah, just like that, peeerrrfect Y/N!" My photographer smirked as I held my drumsticks in a cross in front of me, my hair a mess and a snarl on my face, my makeup was a monstrosity and my clothing was semi-revealing.

I was sporting a majenta lacey bra with leather jeans, a thick belt around my hips with a leather jacket thrown over the top.

"Pop a suggestive angle," She gasped, I chuckled and took my jacket off from one shoulder, revealing a bit of skin, I held one hand on my hip, "That's perfect! Stand side on for me!" She said, I did just that, she squealed and took a few pictures, "These look fantastic!" She hissed making me chuckle as I put one hand on my head, "Yeah, do that!" She said, directing me to tilt my head back and stick my tongue out.

------ a week later ------

*Mötley POV*

"Tommy, man, what ya readin?" Nikki asked, "Drummer Magazine dude," Tommy said as he flicked through it, "Anyone interesting?" He asked and leaned on the couch, looking over Tommy's shoulder.

"Yeah, few cool people, Roger Taylor's in here, oh look! Steven Adler made it! Good for him!" Tommy smiled.

The next page however, made Tommy's jaw drop, Y/N Y/L/N, she was beautiful, he just gaped at the photo like an idiot, eyes wide and mouth hanging open.

"What's he lookin at?" Mick frowned, "Haha, there's some drummer chick," Nikki snickered, "JUST SOME DRUMMER CHICK?!" Tommy yelled and stood up, throwing the magazine on his previous seat.

"Do you have any idea who that is?!" He barked, "Uh... No, don't care either," Nikki chuckled and blew a bubble in his chewing gum, "Man! That's Y/N Y/L/N! Remember that drummer girl I was telling you about!" Tommy told him, gripping at his forearm.

"You mean that girl from your high school?" Nikki frowned, "Exactly man!" Tommy nodded his head, "Aww, high school lovers~" Vince chuckled, wiggling his brows at their flustered drummer.

Tommy snatched the magazine up and quickly read through it, "She's Greek as well!" Tommy yelled and slammed the magazine over Nikki's head, "Ow, what the fuck man?!" Nikki scoffed and rubbed his head.

"Mick, look here!" Tommy said and ran over to Mick, pointing at an article reading, "Okay, what do you want me to do about it?" Mick asked, "SHE'S COMING HERE! TO L.A..." He yelled.

"Tommy, Tommy, Tommy, tsk tsk tsk," Vince sighed and shook his head, "You're in love," Vince smirked, "So what if I am?! She'll be here soon!" Tommy said making them roll their eyes.

"You don't understand!" He groaned and put on his shoes, "Where ya goin?" Nikki frowned as he jogged to the door, "Out! Be back soon," Tommy said and walked out.

They heard his bike start up before he roared down the road.

------ Y/N ------

I sat in a club, drumming my sticks against my thighs, my legs on the table while a few waiters walked up, some looking nervous as they spoke to me...

I brushed it off, shrugging and sweeping my brown locks out of my face, smiling as they gave me my food, I thanked them and began eating the simple meal, meal of God's is what it is, chips with gravy is fucking bomb, no matter how rich you get, it's fantastic.

Over the banter of customers and regulars coming in for a drink, I heard the bell at the top of the door jingle, a new person?

I turned my head, however I was shocked to see no other than Mötley Crüe's drummer, Tommy Lee.

I felt my mouth drop as I saw him, wait, he's that guy from high school, as my meal was already done, I clambered to my feet, pulling out some money and putting it on the table before stumbling over to Tommy.

"Tommy?!" I gasped, he turned his head to me, I saw him look at me with just as much shock.

"Y/N!" He exclaimed, "Gee how are you?" He asked in awe as he picked me up in a tight hug, "I'm great, and you?" I chuckled, looking up at him once he set me down, "I'm doing spectacular," he smiled.

"Hey, I saw you on Drummer Magazine," he said, "Oh! Yeah that was a lot of fun," I smiled, "You looked great! You still do I mean! But wow," he said in awe, I felt a little blush spread to my face as I giggled, "Why thank you, you look great too," I smiled.

"So... You're from Athens too, huh?" He smiled, "You bet your ass I am, proud Greek," I grinned and gently hit his hip with my own, "Hey do you want to um... Hang out?" He asked, "I'd love to!" I gasped.

He took me outside, I hopped on the back of his bike and he roared down the road, "Hold on," he grinned and floored it, good thing my arms were securely around his waist.


"No way!" Nikki yelled as Tommy walked in with her, he smirked and held her hand, "You crazy son of a motherfucker," Vince chuckled and patted his back.

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