Vince Neil #21 | Squeeze my hand.

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-sad... But it has a happy ending-

Vince held onto his girlfriends hand, tears falling from his eyes as he looked into her soft eyes.
She smiled softly and massaged his hand in hers.
"I'm okay... Just a little sore," she told him, "You fell off a cliff on a Harley Davidson! Love..." He sighed.

"I know baby, I'm sorry," she sighed and played with his hair, "I'm just really fuckin dumb," she giggled, he chuckled softly, "No need to tell me twice," he grinned.

"Asshole!" She pouted making him smirk.
She smiled and massaged his cheek gently, wiping away the tears which previously fell. "You're so handsome when you smile," she said softly and played with his soft hair.

"You're so beautiful when you're not a dumbass," he smiled making her laugh, she flipped him off while biting her lip with a smile, "Fuck you Vince Neil," she smiled, "You wish," he snorted.

"Babe, I'm a little sore, I really don't wish," she giggled making him chuckle as he kissed her hand.

"Rest well baby," he said as a nurse told him to leave.

-flash back-

Enraged over how annoying her brother Tommy was being, she stormed out and took her bike for a ride.
Maybe it was dumb that the thought of slowing down didn't come to her mind as it began to rain, especially seen as she was riding up a large hill to the place Vince asked her to be his girlfriend.

That place always makes her smile as she thinks about it.
But... All good things must come to an end.

There she goes, falling down the large hill, a choked scream left her mouth before her bike fell on top of her abdomen, knocking her out from exhaustion.

She was found by Nikki who screamed when he saw her, he called someone, he had read that a crush wound is very bad, sometimes moving the object makes it worse as they could get a clot.

So he was freaking out and panicking as he told Tommy everything.
"Tommy! Get your ass here now!" He screamed, "What's wrong?" He asked, "WHAT'S WRONG IS YOUR SISTER HAS BEEN CRUSHED WITH HER OWN BIKE AND I NEED YOU TO HURRY UP AND HELP ME!" He screamed.

That's when the three boys made their way quickly there.
Mick called an ambulance, Tommy and Vince sobbed over her body while she slowly gained consciousness.

Blood dribbled out of her mouth, she turned her head and her eyes hung open dramatically.
"No... No!" They all screamed.


When she was revived, the first one who sprinted in was Tommy, who hugged his little sister.


The next morning, Vince came back, he had flowers, "Aww, Vincey," she smiled as he put them in the vase, "I wanted to get you something special," he smiled and kissed her forehead as he showed her a note.

'Girls Girls Girls released: May 15th 1987'

"That's incredible!" She smiled widely and slowly sat up, her stomach was still a bit sore from the bike, she put a hand to it and then hugged Vince from the side.

"I love you," he said, "I love you too," she smiled and he gently rubbed her bruise.
"Can I see?" He asked softly, she nodded and he lifted up the gown, seeing a black bruise which slowly was fading yellow.
"God... I'm sorry," he said and began to cry, she hugged him and he cried in to her neck.

"Vinny, it's okay," she sighed, "I just need to control my anger is all," she chuckled, he giggled a bit and she rubbed his back.

"I love you so much," she said, "I love you *hic* too!" He chuckled, she wiped his eyes and kissed him.

"I'd kill for a massage right now," she said laying down, "Why do I feel that's targetted at me?" He smiled, she smirked and wiggled her brows making him chuckle softly, he reached down and gently massaged her stomach making her hum softly, "You're my massage slave now," she smiled, "Whip me when I've been naughty," he chuckled, "Mm, so I'm the one spanking now?" She wiggled her brows and slapped his butt making him laugh.
"You're lucky you're hurt, or else I'd slap you so hard you'd have trouble sitting all day," he said making her giggle.

"Well thank god then hug?" She smiled and kissed his cheek, he smiled and rubbed her tummy gently.
"Hey baby?" He asked softly, she hummed, "One day... When... When we... Live together..." He said, "Mhm?" She smiled, "I was thinking..." He blushed, "That's never good," she smirked, "Baby, I'm trying to ask you something," he chuckled.

She hummed, "Do you ever... Want to have kids...?" He asked, she widened her eyes, well that was unexpected.

"Would you say something?" He asked nervously, "Baby... Of course I want kids," she smiled, "Especially a boy," she pouted.

"A boy? And whys that?" He smiled, "Because... I don't have to buy dolls and dresses," she giggled making him chuckle.

"I understand," he said and kissed her cheek, "Why? Did you want a girl?" She asked, "No, I want a boy, but as long as they're healthy I'm okay," he smiled.

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