Nikki Sixx #14 | Room mate.

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At three a.m you went down stairs when you heard a knock at the door, your hair a mess and your eyes barely open as you opened it.

There stood Nikki Sixx, in desperate need of a place to stay.
"Hi..." He mumbled, "I'm sorry to wake you, you were the last one left I could ask..." He muttered.

"I need a place to stay..." He explained, "Landlord said I have to pick someone, he doesn't give a shit who," he said.

"Mm, you can come in," you yawned.
He beamed and walked in with his bag and case.
"You won't regret this!" He smiled.

You hummed and yawned, "Come, I'll show you where you can sleep," you said, grabbing his index finger and taking him to the room at the end of the hall.

He thought it was cute the way you held his hand. "In here... Room beside you to your left is my room, the room at the end of the hall to your right is the bathroom," you told him, "Thank you," he smiled.

"All good," you yawned, "Is there anything I could do to repay you?" He asked, "Mm... I'll be okay, you have a good sleep," you said, "You two!" He smiled brightly.

That's when you two met.
About two years later he got Motley together and they made it big, so now you get to go with them to tours and stuff, they always love your company and they appreciate how kind and caring you are.

On your birthday Nikki asked you out, you went out with him, he bought you a cake and sang in his own rock n roll style, Happy Birthday, which you loved.

Now he's your boyfriend.

Now you have the other three living with you as well.
They needed a place to stay so you let them in.

"Y/N!" Your boyfriend whined as you walked in through the back door, coming home from work, you were exhausted.

"Hey babe," you mumbled, placing your books down from uni, "How was work and school?" He hummed, "Fucking exhausting," you said, the boys chuckled, you dragged your feet and hopped on the spot as you took your boots off.
"Ughhh," you groaned, "I'm gonna die..." You said.

"Nikki, you can have my basses, Mick, you can have my guitars, Vince and Tommy you can have my books, you need to read more," you said making them chuckle.

"Ughhhh," you whined and laid on the floor.
"Come on you," Nikki said, scooping you up and carrying you to your room.
Nikki moved into your room when you got together, so now you have a big friendly bassist to cuddle.

You pouted as he laid you down.
"I'm so tired," you sighed, "Same babe," he said and took his shirt off, "My innocence," you said jokingly shading your eyes making him laugh.

He climbed over you and cuddled you close. "Love you," he said, "Love you too," you smiled softly.

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