Vince Neil #10 | Beautiful

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Vince stood in the hallway with two out of three of the other boys, "God why is Tommy taking forever?" He grumbled, "No clue dude," Nikki sighed, Mick just shrugged.

They were standing there for about five minutes before the brunette came running, turning his run into a skip as he got closer and jumped into spot beside them.

But that's not what caught Vince's eye.
Like a model, a beautiful girl walked down the hallway, no - strutted down the hallway, she had long black hair and shining green eyes, her lips party slightly, not a spot of makeup on her face but she was still absolutely gorgeous...

It was as if she was in slow motion as Vince stared at the girl, his mouth slowly dropping open at the girl.
She caught glance of him and winked as she went down the stairs.

"Vince?" Tommy asked, "Vincent," Mick said whacking his arm, "Huh?" Vince asked suddenly snapping out of his trance, "What the fucks wrong with you?" Nikki asked curiously, "Nothing..." He mumbled.

"You were all goo goo for that chick," Nikki said, "She's not just a chick..." He grumbled, feeling his face heat up as he hauled his stuff onto the waiting bus outside.

He looked around, as if hoping he'd see her again, but she was gone... A little disappointed, he felt Mick place his hand on his shoulder, "You'll see her, calm down lover boy," he said and pointed across the street.

As if he was stuck in a trance again, he stared at the beauty, she was sat on a bench with a notebook, scribbling things down.

She looked up and smiled up at him, waving before going back to her book.
"Go get her tiger," Mick said patting his back before going up into the bus.

He ran across the road and over to the girl, sitting beside her.
"What is he doing?" Nikki asked, "Being Vince..." Mick shrugged.

As Vince looked her in the eye, he felt his heart flutter. "H-hi...." He stuttered, wow how good, good going Vince! She giggled and smiled at him, he made small talk with her after he took a few deep breaths, why she was there, what she liked...

"I'm studying for a bachelor of arts," she smiled, "Oh... Like music?" He asked curiously, she nodded, "I do music!" He smiled, as if finding out his best friend as a child has the same interests as him.

"I know you do, I've seen you around, you're good," she smiled at him, "Oh yeah?" He asked, practically blushing like a tomato, "Mhm, you better catch the bus, before they do something dumb," she giggled as she looked in the window of the bus, Nikki and Tommy were pretending to make out while Mick was whacking them with a towel.

"They're so dumb," Vince said making her giggle, "I know, so are you," she grinned cheekily, "Wow!" He gasped making her laugh.

He chuckled and held her hand, "So... Would you like to see us live at the sunset Strip tonight?" He asked, "What time?" She smiled, "Starts at 7," he informed.

She nodded, "Great! I'll be there!" He yelled as he got up and ran across the street as Nikki ran to the drivers seat and honked the horn.

He got up and sat beside Mick.
"So, how'd it go?" He asked, "It went pretty well, hey she's coming to see our show," Vince smirked, "Alright!" Tommy cheered making him chuckle slightly.

The band got set up, putting things up for the show and making sure everything was perfectly in tune, order and sound.

Suddenly as the band was playing the intro to Kick start my heart, the two double doors open and out came a beautiful girl with long black hair... There she is!

Vince sang while looking directly at her, she smiled and chose a seat and rested her chin on her hand.

All of these song were her favourite by far.
Especially Live Wire...

Her smile grew as that song started, Vince noticed, a shot of confidence went through his system, he threw a wink and knelt down on the stage, looking her in the eye as he sang the intro, the microphone stand nearly laying on the floor at this point.

Then he jumped up and was prancing around on the stage.
She smiled as she watched, and then that's when it happened, Vince jumped into the audience while singing, as the solo came on, he made way to her, moving the microphone away from his mouth so they couldn't hear him, "How you liking the show?" He asked, "It's awesome!" She smiled.

He kissed her cheek and threw a wink as he went back on stage and sang with the boys.

After a while, the show was over, they bowed and threw their hands in the air before jumping down.

Three out of four of the boys went to get drinks, but Vince stayed behind to talk with the girl.

"I... Never got your name," he chuckled, "Y/N," she smiled, "That's such a beautiful name," he smiled and held her hand, it was her time to be nervous.

The whole show she felt like she was in a trance.
"Thank you, can I call you Vinnie?" She asked, "Call me anything," he said.

"Blondie," she giggled, so he started to tickle her making her laugh, "Stop it!" She squealed, he chuckled and stopped, holding her hand as he put up his hand for some water.

"You're such a pretty Barbie doll," she smirked, he scoffed and gently slapped her thigh making her giggle, he rested his hand there making her blush.

"Ooh, what's the matter? A little close for comfort?" He smirked, she rolled her eyes, "Whatever you say Vinnie," she smiled.

And so he got her number, and of course, a red lipstick mark on his cheek and lips, she giggled and waved goodbye at the four who were on the motorbikes, Vince grinned and watched as she walked down the road, Vince was smiling ear to ear as he got home that night, not caring of the trash, he'll do it another day, he's more interested in the hot girl he just fell in love with...

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