Mick Mars #37 | Now thats REAL guitar!

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Mick Mars started by playing slide guitar at clubs, he knew from a young age that he was destined to play guitar.

However, for a band as chaotic and notorious  as Motley Crue? Mm, not so much.

As the band slunk into leather seats at a club, they watched as people did boring shit, like trying to enjoy themselves the night before going back to work.

Ah, Sundays, the day where we laze around and then get pissed off because of work the next day...

Mick however, kept his eyes locked on a beautiful girl...
She had fishnet stockings, black high heels, leather shorts, then a black see through shirt with a black leather crop top over that.

She was stunning.

However, a rule was, no falling in love if you're not already taken.
Mick was single, the other boys had their lovers.

Tommy with Heather, Vince with Sharise, even Nikki with Nicole.
Although, Nikki and Nicole were more of a drug buddy thing, when they were sober they bitched and moaned at each other.

Mick wanted to feel that sensation, to feel loved, he didn't need those fuckin teenagers of the band to tell him off, fuck, he was the oldest, who were they to tell him what to do?!

She turned her head, those luscious black Springs of lightly curled and slightly teased hair bouncing, it felt like slow mo as she blinked at him, before smiling, a wide, genuine smile that made Mick feel like a teenager again.

His heart raced as he watched her grab a guitar case, she blew a kiss at him making his heart pound, like in that cartoon where his tongue flops out and rolls along the along the floor, that's how he felt.

"Mick dude, what ya staring at?" Tommy asked as he downed some Jack Daniels, "Nothing, now pass me the vodka," he said turning away from her at last.

Once he did, he lost her, great...
Or maybe she was never there, maybe it was just his dream woman reminding him he'll never find her...

He grumbled and drank his vodka in a large gulp.
"Woahhhh, what ya downin it for man?" Vince asked, "Cause I feel like it," he grumbled.

"Mood swings..." Nikki sang and sighed softly through puffed lips.

Suddenly, they heard a guitar, they turned to the stage, some crappy band, but that wasn't what caught Mick's attention.

He looked up at the girl, the same one that got very friendly and I guess, you could somewhat call it flirting.

"Dude! She's hot!" Vince said, "Aren't you with a chick?" Mick frowned, Vince shrugged, "Nothing wrong with window shopping," Vince grinned.

Mick rolled his eyes and looked back up at the beautiful girl who fucking rocked that guitar.
The band sucked and the drummer couldn't keep a beat, but the guitarist fucking rocked and made everyone cheer.

"Y/N!" They chanted, she smirked and shook her head, as if teasing the audience.
"So that's her name..." Mick murmured under his breath.

People squealed and screamed in awe as she finally played her solo, leg rested on the edge of the stage and her hair flying as if she was a heroic person.

"Jesus Christ dude, she rocks," Tommy said.

As the show ended, she packed her guitar up, grabbing a lollipop and sucking on it as she sat on the edge of the stage.

The boys were too wasted to talk, meanwhile Mick walked over, hopping on the stage, his back cracking making him let out a soft groan of pain.

"Hey," he said, "Hello," she grinned, "You know... Your band sucks, but you really killed it kid," he told her.

"Thank you, I tried trying out for other bands, but I got a curse you see," she smiled, "Oh yeah?" He asked, "Yeah, I got a vagina," she said, he snorted and burst out laughing, a genuine laugh that made his eyes crinkle slightly.

She smiled as she watched him, having never seen the rock star laugh before, even his own band was shocked.

"Woah dude..." Tommy said, "She must have some kinda... Gift," Vince said.

"I got a curse too, kid," he said as he wiped the tears of laughter away, "You do?" She asked, "Ankylosing Spondylitis," he said.

"I heard about that, you know I hear massages do wonders," she said, "Oh, eh, kinda..." He said.

She crawled behind him, gently massaging his back, her thumbs creasing into all the right spots.
He let his head flop forward as she eased his sore back.

"My father had it too," she told him, "Really?" He asked, "Yep," she said.

"Doc told me it was hereditary, thing is... I don't know anyone in the family who has it," Mick said, "Same thing my father said," She told him.

"Hey kid?" He asked, turning to look at her, gently grabbing her hands, "Yeah?" She asked, "I like you, you're not bitchy or annoying like the women I've dated," he smiled.

"Oh? You want to date?" She asked, "Wha- no I didn't mean! I meant- well if-" he blushed, rambling and spilling his words.

"His flirting needs work..." Tommy whispered, "Big time..." Nikki agreed.

She giggled and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, giving him a soft kiss, he blushed like a tomato.

"Micky... I'd love to go on a date with you," she smiled, "Oh... Where do you want to... Go?" He asked, "Anywhere you want to go, we could even go talk about guitars until our ears fall off or our jaws decay?" She smiled.

He chuckled softly, "You know kid... I'll take you up on that offer."

"I'm free on Sundays," she said, "Sundays... I'm free next Sunday?" He asked, realizing today is Sunday.

"Great, I have to go Micky," she said playing with his black hair, "Oh... Y/N?" He asked, "Yeah?" She smiled, "Um... 7pm?" He asked, "Sounds good," she smiled, jumping down to grab a napkin, she walked back over and wrote her name down on it, writing her address and the time, along with her number.

"Call me hotstuff," she smiled and gave him another soft sweet kiss that left him begging for more, she smiled, waving at him then the boys before walking out, case in hand.

"Dude!" Tommy gasped.

Part 2?

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